Italy’s Highest Appeals Court to Decide Amanda Knox’s Fate

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1- Lies told to LE
2- No alibi
3- Luminal prints in hallway

That should give you a start.
Name 3 pieces of evidence?
Amanda's confessions, the bra cut off Meredith with both Amanda/Raf dna, the mixed blood in the bathroom, Amanda's footprints with Meredith's dna in the broken glass bedroom...... etc.
Each point will be argued to the cows come home... even tho the trial is past that point now. The final verdict was a result of many pieces of the puzzle... not just one piece.

A better question might be:

Show ONE piece of evidence that shows AK is NOT guilty. That may be a chore.
Oh wow. You guys have only been reading one side to this story.

1)lies told to police? Such as?
2)no alibi? Yes she has an alibi
3)luminol prints in hallway? You mean the ones that were said to be blood during the first trial, but weren't actually tested for blood? The ones that were later shown to have no traces if blood?
4) AK's confession? You the coerced confession? The one that was immediately recanted once she could speak to in English and had time to eat and sleep?
5) bra strap? You mean the one that sat in that room for 47 days after the murder? The one handled by multiple people on scene, the one that was kicked around into a pile of garbage and sat there collecting dust until they decided it might be evidence?

This case is a no brainer to me, it is clear what happened. RG murdered Meredith and the corrupt (fact, he has been convicted of corruption) prosecutor had motive, as he did before, to make this a high profile sadistic sex case.
It is absolutely crazy.
Oh wow. You guys have only been reading one side to this story.

1)lies told to police? Such as?
2)no alibi? Yes she has an alibi
3)luminol prints in hallway? You mean the ones that were said to be blood during the first trial, but weren't actually tested for blood? The ones that were later shown to have no traces if blood?
4) AK's confession? You the coerced confession? The one that was immediately recanted once she could speak to in English and had time to eat and sleep?
5) bra strap? You mean the one that sat in that room for 47 days after the murder? The one handled by multiple people on scene, the one that was kicked around into a pile of garbage and sat there collecting dust until they decided it might be evidence?

This case is a no brainer to me, it is clear what happened. RG murdered Meredith and the corrupt (fact, he has been convicted of corruption) prosecutor had motive, as he did before, to make this a high profile sadistic sex case.
It is absolutely crazy.

Some people on here know this case inside and out.

1. that Patrick Lumumba was the one who killed Meredith.
2. No, she does not. her ex boyfriend will not even provide her with one.
3. The bathroom and the hallway were both tested for blood. Both came back positive.
4. even though it sat around for 47 days, RS's DNA was on it.

As I said. Cows are not home yet.
Each point will be argued to the cows come home... even tho the trial is past that point now. The final verdict was a result of many pieces of the puzzle... not just one piece.

A better question might be:

Show ONE piece of evidence that shows AK is NOT guilty. That may be a chore.

Well, how exactly does one prove a negative? The lack of evidence that they are guilty is all that is needed. The already exposed corruption within the Italian system speaks for itself. JMO
CoolJ, if you want to read the reasons why the court found Amanda guilty twice, The official Motivation report is located right under this thread.
Some people on here know this case inside and out.

1. that Patrick Lumumba was the one who killed Meredith.
2. No, she does not. her ex boyfriend will not even provide her with one.
3. The bathroom and the hallway were both tested for blood. Both came back positive.
4. even though it sat around for 47 days, RS's DNA was on it.


Lumumba should be angry at the LE agents who coerced the confession out of her, not at AK herself. YouTube "false confessions" or "coerced confessions", and you will see exactly how easy it is for LE to get someone to say whatever they want. Especially in a foreign country in a foreign language.
RS isn't her ex bf and he was her alibi all along until recently when his defense team realized that his only chance is pinning it in AK. He knows she is not going back to be incarcerated in Italy, so he is the only one with the risk.
I don't even need to put up an argument about the bra strap. It is obvious why it should be inadmissible.

Better yet, where is all the evidence of either of them being in the room? Where is the DNA all over her body and all over that room after such a gruesome murder? It ain't there, because they weren't there. It is 100% obvious to me.

Knowing that RS and AK are innocent does not take away from the fact that MK was the victim. You can have compassion for her and her family and still see what really went on here. JMO
One call, post, piece of evidence or witness that places her/him NOT at the crime scene at the time of the murder.

Trouble is... there were witness that saw them near the crime scene. Plus she admitted she was there more than once. And above all... there was evidence she was at the crime scene during the murder.

There is no way to explain her mixed dna with the victim in the bathroom. There is no way to explain her luminol BARE footprints in the hallway. There is no way to explain her dna on the knife.

1 question for you:

If you told LE that you didn't look at clocks but think you ate supper at about 11:30 pm... when in reality you ate dinner like 3 hours before that... would you call that a lie?
Looks like we've all read, processed drawn conclusions on the same evidence presented in this case.
Another question:

How much of your dna would be in a room that your only action was stabbing the victim in the throat... and two other people were restraining the victim?

If you ran out immediately after that... nobody but the other two would know you had been there.
CoolJ, if you want to read the reasons why the court found Amanda guilty twice, The official Motivation report is located right under this thread.

Oh I have, trust me.And it is laughable. Have you read the reasons why she was found "innocent"?
(Yes, in Italy you can be found"guilty", "not guilty", or "innocent". She was was found innocent. Until the corruption came back into the fray that is.
Amanda Knox admitted to being present when the crimes were committed. She wrote several confessions and told the police so in questioning. Amanda Knox apologized to or offered any of the court ordered compensation to Patrick Lummumba for the false accusation which caused him considerable personal and professional harm.

1- Lies told to LE
2- No alibi
3- Luminal prints in hallway

That should give you a start.

Amanda's confessions, the bra cut off Meredith with both Amanda/Raf dna, the mixed blood in the bathroom, Amanda's footprints with Meredith's dna in the broken glass bedroom...... etc.


Just adding to the list above:

- Knox's statement to Meredith's friends/other roommates while at the police station that Meredith "bled to death."
Meredith's cause of death had not been released -- and -- AK and the other roommates were NOT allowed back in the cottage.

So HOW did AK know that Meredith "bled to death" . . . because she was there.

- Knox accused an INNOCENT man of Meredith's murder ...
Patrick Lumumba lost his business because of Knox's FALSE accusations ... she has NEVER apologized to him and she has NEVER given him any compensation whatsoever.

So WHY would a so-called "innocent" person accuse another innocent person of murder ... they wouldn't ... only a GUILTY person would do so.

What? Could you quote the passage where it says she was found innocent of murder?
Lumumba should be angry at the LE agents who coerced the confession out of her, not at AK herself. YouTube "false confessions" or "coerced confessions", and you will see exactly how easy it is for LE to get someone to say whatever they want. Especially in a foreign country in a foreign language.
RS isn't her ex bf and he was her alibi all along until recently when his defense team realized that his only chance is pinning it in AK. He knows she is not going back to be incarcerated in Italy, so he is the only one with the risk.
I don't even need to put up an argument about the bra strap. It is obvious why it should be inadmissible.

Better yet, where is all the evidence of either of them being in the room? Where is the DNA all over her body and all over that room after such a gruesome murder? It ain't there, because they weren't there. It is 100% obvious to me.

Knowing that RS and AK are innocent does not take away from the fact that MK was the victim. You can have compassion for her and her family and still see what really went on here. JMO

1. The Italian police did not blame an innocent man for murder, Amanda is the one who did that.
2. This is true, but Amanda confessed under two hours.
3. Amanda confessed several times that she was there. If she and RS were not there then why did they link RS' bloody footprint under a batmat in the bathroom. Why did they find MK's blood mixed with AK's in 5 different places if Amanda was not there?

Amanda and RS were there and the evidence showed this.

Haha... That isn't the most accurate story but I can see now the information you are going on.

I am a newbee of course. Help me out all you can.
Haha... That isn't the most accurate story but I can see now the information you are going on.

I am a newbee of course. Help me out all you can.

So are you saying she wasn't acquitted? She was. They both were. They were found innocent.
This is also what throws a wrench into any possible extradition. The wording of the 1983 treaty with Italy states that anyone who has been acquitted cannot be extradited. She will be free to live anywhere she wants in America and likely free to travel the world outside of the EU.
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