SC - Paul Murdaugh & mom Margaret Found Shot To Death - Alex Murdaugh Accused - Islandton #28

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Apr 30, 2020
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Not much on this yet but I got it on yahoo and This mother and son were found near a dog kennel on their property in Colleton County SC. Their family has a long history of connections to the legal system in the Lowcountry and the son, who was murdered, was currently facing charges in a boating accident causing death.

2 Murdaugh family members shot, killed in Colleton County SC homicide

Media, Maps, Timeline, Initial Reference List *NO DISCUSSION* Thread

The Island Packet

Murdaugh Murders by Mandy Matney
Impact of Influence - The Murdaugh Family Murders

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When referring to the attorneys, officials or other trial members, please use their names or initials. Let’s not assign them nicknames. Thanks a ton!!
If anyone has ever listened to the jail house calls on Mandy Matney's Murdaugh Murders podcast, you can tell right away the man..AM, has a hearing problem. He is constantly saying.." huh?" And the person, usually BM has to repeat the whole sentence again. It drives me crazy! that's from the Oxy abuse. That's what happened to Rush Limbaugh too.
I like Greene. He was very attentive to details, although encumbered with a bumbling deputy who seemed to need elementary training in starting and enforcing a log about who entered a crime scene. Greene noticed and provided first documentation of the tire marks, bullet casings, footprints at corner of shed (based on a deputy’s report to him), holes in the back of the feed shed window, and various other important elements of the scene. And he secured Alex’s shotgun and was asking the right initial questions of Alex. (ETA: And he did all that in less time than the 21 minutes that AM visited his sleeping mother that night.)

I’d elect him to replace several of the officers who arrived later and started tromping all over the scene, lifting the sheet over PM, etc. and doing nothing to keep parties OTHER than LE distanced from the scene.
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I remember during Casey Anthony's trial, how many posters here routinely criticized Jose Baez for his incompetence - Jose had the last laugh.

Any time competent defense lawyers look like clowns, beware, something unexpected is coming. Thursday and Friday will be interesting. It is hard to figure out how AM can actually get off, but it wouldn't surprise me if AM gets on the stand and tells us who the "they" that did this crime are. Even if he is convicted, he would have gotten his "truth" out there.
Last laugh? smh
If anyone has ever listened to the jail house calls on Mandy Matney's Murdaugh Murders podcast, you can tell right away the man..AM, has a hearing problem. He is constantly saying.." huh?" And the person, usually BM has to repeat the whole sentence again. It drives me crazy!
I don’t think it’s a hearing problem. I think it’s an attention span issue. Unless they’re talking about him, he zones out.
Watching a little late/catching up from this morning......

This prosecution cross of Mark Ball is extraordinary in the way this witness basically hoodwinked the defense into thinking he was on their side and then BAM!

This is beautiful. Alex is MAD AS HELL! I love it.
Hypothetically speaking, if there were other shooters at Moselle that night that did this and AM wants to tell his story to the jury, why wait? He's had years to tell his truth, he could have probably negotiated with the State and this would have never gone to trial. JMO
Just out of curiosity, since AM’s acts revealed the extremely weak internal controls where client funds were concerned at PMPED for approximately 12 years, was any kind of independent audit ever done to determine all other client funds handled by all other partners during that timeframe were properly allocated?

Or, is the Bar, community, and state of SC content with reliance on those attorneys’ reputation and trustworthiness that this wasn’t a common occurrence at PMPED?
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