VA - Johnny Depp's defamation case against ex Amber Heard, who countersued #7

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Is Elaine making this testimony worse for her case by making a bigger deal out of it? His testimony didn't really hurt Amber's case---but Elaine brought in this trailer guys most damning testimony saying that Amber was the one that was jealous and screaming at him.

If Elaine had just walked away it would be done by now. But Elaine is using precious court minutes trying to humiliate this trailer guy and it is not a good look for her.

This guy is not as dumb as Elaine thinks he is.

I thought he did quite well up against her in the end.
She definitely messed up there IMO
It is Shaw's opinion that Dr. Spiegle broke that ethical rule by opining as he did yesterday. His conduct violated the Goldwater rule in his opinion.

1st his opinion about JD's personality and narc traits - bad move according to Dr. Shaw - the diagnostic criteria is a pattern of grandiosity a need for admiration and a lack of empathy since young adult hood. 9 specific criteria and must meet 5 to make a diagnosis. Professional guidelines dictates an in depth interview with patient and also may have the subject complete questionnaires. Phycological testing is available as well. Using those things PLUS anecdotal info from family coworkers or friends. Dr. Siegle had NONE of this.

he attempted to use depositions texts emails and what is called "record" information. He tried to list five examples of record evidence that JD was a narc. One is sense of entitlement. Example was that JD thought AH married him for his money. This doesn't track as evidence of anything of the sort. 2nd example he gave was that JD was jealous of AH because of James F. (cut off - can't discuss further)

2nd major opinion of Siegle was about the cognitive ability and processing speed. He relied upon two major pieces of info to come to this conclusion. JD depo behavior. Mini mental exam was administered by another Dr. and those records (cut off, can't discuss the records) goes on to describe the mini mental exam. Spiegle testified that JD couldn't recall three words after 5 minutes. He then went on to attribute this "failing" to JD substance abuse. Shaw testifies this was not ethical or a good way to reach any opinion.
Another great witness, clear and consice …
He has a very calming and comforting way about him. I bet he can easily get his patients to open up to him because he seems like a safe person to talk to.

So even though he is criticising the other doctor, he still comes across as gentle and thoughtful. Great 'casting' by Chew. lol
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