trial day 38: the defense continues its case in chief #110

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What is the icon at the bottom of the message that shows a " mark next to the icon that actually has the word 'quote' thx i am still trying to figure everything out

You can 'multi' quote several post. To do that, go to each post you want to quote and hit that button, on the last post, hit quote.
The point isn't the calories, it's the amount of time between eating. Some have rightly pointed out that they work 12 hr. shifts without eating. I don't think their employers are treating them ethically either. Some have said she should divide up her breakfast and bring it with her. I don't see how she's going to carry three pieces of fruit with her while being transported shackled to two other inmates. I don't ask my dog to go 12 hours without eating. She may be lower than a dog but I am not. Let her have a freaking bologna sandwich and be done with it!

Totally with you Schuby. The cost of giving her some extra calories during the day is great deal cheaper then the cost of a missed day of trial.
I'm seeing lots of comments about the "rope". Let's not forget that Doc Samuels said she told him it was "twine".

And both her hands and feet were tied, according to what she told Samuels. Neither were "tied" according to JA's testimony.
We have to stop talking about the peanut butter. Now I'm eating it directly from the jar.

Do you have an "official" peanut butter spoon? :D I like to dip sliced apple (Granny Smith preferred) in p.b. Healthy, high-energy snack. Yum!
Only if everything is wrapped in crime scene paper.
or allow her to either. When was the last time Travis ate?
Oh yeah 5cc of oatmeal on June 4,2008.

I'm not being snarky to you Mel.
just sayin...

Oh I know -- I was the one being snarky :blushing:

Well...I'm a man and have a very basic understanding of that stuff. In fact, I really just try to fly under the radar whenever I sense its presence. Who really cares if it is brought up to describe her behavior/symptoms/BS?

I mean...its not like other, more sensitive or personal, topics have been discussed, reviewed, viewed, etc.

I'll take PMS talk over viewing naked pics of the *advertiser censored* any day.

Haha! Whenever I wanted money and a car, I would tell my dad I needed female stuff. It wasn't actually true, but he would still throw his wallet and keys in my general direction without having to make eye contact!

However, my husband doesn't give a flip. He proudly walks through the store carrying the unmentionables. He says that all the dudes know that he's got a woman ;) great perspective and the teenager never tries to use that excuse because it doesn't work. LOL

And really, nothing grossly arcane has been discussed regarding this issue. If you've listened to the sex tapes, I think we can handle a three letter acronym without going weak in the knees.
I can see that we all pretty much agree that this is a ploy on Jodi's plot and we should put it to rest.
She is getting enough food, period. She is probably getting more food than both homeless people and working people that can't afford food!
She is not homeless, she is fed and being taken care of. Enough said.
This is all a plot to overthrow what will be her end result.

I totally agree! :deadhorse:
You can 'multi' quote several post. To do that, go to each post you want to quote and hit that button, on the last post, hit quote.

I never knew how to do that!!!!! Sometimes I only want to quote one line but it will take the whiole post, how do I do that?
We're having a BBQ! And the meat is going to come from HEB! mmmmmmmmm

Up here in mountains of western NC, locals say You'uns.. where I'm from in SC we use the universal Ya'll. What about ya'll?? :floorlaugh:
They just asked on HLN and the prison official said they can only bring their papers and any meds each day. No snickers or extra food.

Thank you Popiscle. People are having these fantasies that the jail has a stockpile of Tupperware and exta utensils they hand out with breakfast. It's just not how jail systems operate.

In Harris County, where I live, they distribute a bologna sandwich and some kind of hostess type cookie to all inmates not in general population (in holding tanks or at trial) at meal times. This does not strike me as in any way coddling or catering to some extravagant demands. It's a basic standard of humane treatment.
Do you have an "official" peanut butter spoon? :D I like to dip sliced apple (Granny Smith preferred) in p.b. Healthy, high-energy snack. Yum!

those or gala i love with PB or almond butter.

Sent from my SGH-T989 using Tapatalk 2
Oooooh! Do y'all sport the Kennesaw Claw? :floorlaugh:

I'll have you know I lived in Kennesaw when I graduated high school and did NOT sport a Kennesaw Claw. (For those not in the know, imagine fried, over-processed, permed bangs being teased into a claw shape, completely UN-aerodynamic with the rest of your hair.)

I did, however, have very big spiral permed hair. But it was the 80s, so it was kind of mandatory. :floorlaugh:
We have to stop talking about the peanut butter. Now I'm eating it directly from the jar.

That made me LOL.

My kids saw me doing that a few months ago, now, its how they eat it. Spoon dug in with a big ole helpin and walking around like its a ice cream cone or something.

We've gone through 3 jars of PB in the few months.... Ive created monsters!
I lived for months on Ensure and Boost...the chocolate variety. It tastes bad the first swallow after that its ok.

It wouldn't be cruel and unusual punishment if she did have to. Might just be the answer they are looking for.

Bad news is that stuff messes with other parts of the system if you kwim.


I never knew how to do that!!!!! Sometimes I only want to quote one line but it will take the whiole post, how do I do that?

You can only do a single line by deleting the rest of the post. Make sure you keep the [] quote tags intact or it won't quote correctly
What is the icon at the bottom of the message that shows a " mark next to the icon that actually has the word 'quote' thx i am still trying to figure everything out

Multi-quote. Quoting more than one previous post in your post.

June 2008
June 08- Travis mentions to a friend that Jodi hacked his facebook account
June 2, 08- Jodi rents a car.
June 2, 08- Jodi says that her and Travis talked on the phone about a PPL member that passed away (Gordon Hinckley)
June 2- 3, 08- Jodi said she saw Matt in Sea Grove. She stayed the night with him and left the next morning.
June 3, 2008- Darryl said on the stand-Jodi came by his house, had breakfast, son was there, and that was 7am. Allowed Jodi to use his computer. Matt M showed up, and Jodi took off.
After she took off that morning, she returned and gave him a remote control

June 4, 2008- Jodi said on the stand that she arrived at Travis' house between 3:30-4:00 am.
June 4, 2008 12:13pm- Last outgoing phone call made from Travis' phone. Followed by unanswered text and messages.
June 4, 2008 1:40 pm- Start of the naked photos. 2 of Travis, 6 of Jodi
June 4, 2008 4:19 pm-Last activity on Travis' computer
June 4, 2008 5:22pm-Time stamp of first deleted photo
June 4, 2008 5:30 pm- Last photo of Travis alive (deleted)
June 4, 2008 5:31:14-Ceiling Picture taken
June 4, 2008 5:32:32- Picture of Travis being dragged
June 4, 2008 7:00- Travis misses a conference call with Chris Hughes[/QUOTE]

Do we know if LE checked Darryl's computer the morning of June 3? I would love to know what she was looking at less then 24hrs before she murders Travis...
Not to mention, rolling his suitcase THROUGH it.

I have been on some other threads and just came back to see everyone discussing the importance of what Jodi gets to eat in jail. This is funny. Did you ever stop to think that Travis never gets to eat again?

On another topic, I heard there was a you tube video of Jodi stomping her foot at Nurmi yesterday while viewing a piece of paper. Apparently she was livid about it. And I have spent the last hour on you tube and cannot find it. There was no link posted on the other thread. Would any of you happen to have the link? I would love to see it!

Also, I was able to see a video of NG talking to TA roommate about his finding the body. It was heart wrenching. Anyone see it? Sorry, but I don't know how to post a link. I am not much on technology and all things "Internet". Just wanted you to know the video was good.

Hope we have trial today and AV gets off the stand. I doubt it. :)

There was no foot stomping just JA questioning Nurmi looking peeved. I'll see if I can find it and repost.
The issue of JA's food is rather important. If she becomes ill enough, the trial will grind to a halt. And I don't think any of us ever forget any of the things that TA will never do again.
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