MSM Coverage of Baby Lisa, 11/1/11

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Could someone give me a brief synopsis to how Jersey became an issue again?

One of the missing cell phones called MW's cell phone at about 8:30 pm on the day Lisa disappeared. Her ex-boyfriend is Jersey and she (MW) admits to walking around the neighborhood with him, not that night but on other occasions. She denies knowing the family or Lisa. Jersey was doing yardwork for a neighbor that day (watering the lawn). He has been previously charged with arson.
I think the reporter that is digging in and doing some investigative reporting is getting to the bottom of a lot we have not known... If this neighbor saw Jersey and MW in her 'hood' on a daily basis I am more inclined to think she is more than just an 'eye witness' as this is a person she claims to have seen on a regular basis.

the fact that the description and times fit with other eyewitness testimony (which can tend to be not so credible) makes it more interesting to me however.


Agreed! I think that Jim Spellman could teach BS a thing or two! Plus he's easy on the eyes... :blushing:

-We know maternal uncle-DB's brother is not the person carrying the baby>doesn't fit t description
-We know Jersey is NOT the person who was carrying t child in t dead of night cause witness did not identify him

I'm just... just... :confused:
JMO but I think they are the same person. If you compare the noses, they both look long at the bottom. Also on the side photo you can see a bit of the bushy eyebrows. What I'm trying to compare are the length and shape of the fingers. Although it's difficult to tell, I think both have long fingers. It's also hard to tell but I'm trying to look at the ear shape and see how close they are to the head. In both photos, the fingernails appear to be quite white but that could be camera angle. Details I've learned to look at in the unidentified forum. JMO
or three, lol. I give up, reading too much and my mind is all tangled up now. Must. get. off. internet.

Why are they even discussing Jersey???? Didn't the reporter show the witness a pic and it wasn't Jersey?? got me! I have no idea and am as confused as you are!
Mary H just said she thought John T (Jersey) was probably on drugs.

-he said he smoked weed and had plans to go smoke tonight, just through various conversations we had in the month
-he had been there moving t sprinklers around previously in t day
What's MH doing engaging in conversation with a suspicious, kind of shady guy who asked to use phones in people's homes?
JVM is trying to see if there is any connection to these other people. MW's phone, the 50 second call, supposely happened at 8:30 pm the night Lisa went missing.

Are they sure now that phone call was that early in the evening?

Jersey did ask to use ppl's phones sometimes.

Somebody saw Lisa's Mother, DB, giving MW a ride home? No, Mary H clarifies it was her neighbor that gave MW a ride home before.
We don't know how many there were actually.

Kudos to KCPD for keeping most of the evidence close to the vest.

Keep the perps wondering; keep them off balance.

We also don't know whether it was one positive hit followed by 20 dogs with NO RESPONSE at the exact same place. There is no way at this point to know what happened with that "hit". However, the fact that no carpet was missing at the spot described or anywhere else in that room tells us a lot. Even if there were an item ON the floor.....they would have taken a sample in order to try to find SOMETHING----its not like they were going to say "oh lets just let it go and not ruin the carpet just in case they want to sell this house someday"!

Caller thought DB gave MW a ride home.

Mary H: our next-door neighbor had given her (MW) a ride home.

Epiph: is that the neighbor who was having wine that night with DB?
--jersey in court nov.1st.



bumping up
I wouldn't be totally surprised if Jersey ends up playing a part in this, but I would be shocked to find that he took Lisa on his own. I think that, if anything, he was helping DB. And, this same statement would go for MW as well.

Mike brooks said we are close to resolving this case. :waitasec:
What's MH doing engaging in conversation with a suspicious, kind of shady guy who asked to use phones, etc.?

I am just going to guess, but when i have been in a similar situation, I have tried to 'act nice' as well. Our old neighbors had their grandson, who was recently released from prison, come stay with them for awhile. He had been doing time for burglary and drug possession. Having two teens at home with us made me very nervous about him being a few doors away. But whenever I ran into him, like when walking the dogs, or taking out the garbage cans, I always made some small talk. I don't know why or if it was wise, but I felt it would be worse if I gave him the cold shoulder.
+ Jersey taking a dog out of its yard before.
+ Jersey liking to start fires.
+ Jersey hanging around the neighborhood a lot,
even considered a handyman that had reason to be in yards.
+ Jersey sometimes asked to use a phone.
+ Jersey was MW's bf just before this all started.
Is the one in court more like the one that was described to you? You kept saying the one that was described to you was not at all what was shown in pictures. Is that accurate? I understand if you can't answer. :)
The one the MEDIA was describing was different. This is pretty much what LE described except the shaved head.
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