Found Alive TX - Christine Woo (fnd dec'd), 39, & 3 kids, Frisco, 28 March 2016

I am reading weather was good on Monday

It was good Monday and Tuesday. Clear and around 70 both days. While there was some bad weather in the area yesterday late afternoon and night, it was not so much in the direct area.
Apparently Frisco is near Dallas/Ft. Worth, and I've been to Dallas a number of times. It's not mountainous nor really very hilly in that area, but it might be possible for her to have driven off the road into a river, or a ravine, and for the car not to be seen from the road. It might take a helicopter and the use of heat-finding whatever-it-is type equipment to locate them.

We'll see how this goes and hope for the best -- good news is still possible at this time, but every day will stack the odds to more of a not-good conclusion.

No rivers to worry about in Frisco, lol. There are certainly surrounding areas this could happen, but it's JMO that it's not likely.
"I know a lot of your viewers are asking me why did you wait so long to file a missing person report," Brandon Woo said. "Call it ignorance, I always thought that you had to wait 24 hours for a person to be missing before you can file a report. Once I did file a report on Tuesday evening, the police obviously educated me on that saying, no you don't have to wait. As soon as you think they're missing you can file a report, doesn't matter how long."

Brandon Woo said there has been no other signs of his wife, and no signs that indicate she planned to go somewhere.
I hope comments are within TOS. If not, please feel free to delete. I'm still learning the ins and outs.

Sure hoping they're all safe somewhere and she will come forward soon to let everyone know this!

Couple things I was thinking about from the article.

"Seems like it was just a normal Monday morning," Woo said, "my wife wakes me up because I overslept, she tells me my alarm went off and I thanked her and said, 'oh great, appreciate that', we had a small little chit-chat and I get ready to go to work and she goes back to bed."

How "late" did the husband arrive to work on Monday?
Does he have a habit of getting up "late" and arriving to work "late"? First time?

Also this:

"She's a loving mother, a great wife, she's the most stable person you can ever meet, I mean she was the the foundation of our family you know, she was the voice of reason," Woo said.

The "was" references are puzzling as well.

Has anyone came across any interviews including Christine's family?

Oh great, appreciate that ? That's a lot of detail.... almost unnecessarily so. He may just be a very open and forthcoming guy and easy conversationalist.
In the video at this link:

They do a close-up of the husband's face while he is talking and I think they are trying to show a tear running down his face. However, IMO, I'm 166 miles south of Frisco and we had our air conditioner on today, and I think he could have been sweating. He was wearing a sweater too. Of course, it could have been morning and cooler as it is further north. Just an observation regarding "tear" and "sweater".
Oh great, appreciate that ? That's a lot of detail.... almost unnecessarily so. He may just be a very open and forthcoming guy and easy conversationalist.

I thought that was an "odd" comment also.
It sounded a bit like he overslept EVERY Monday morning.... I'm very curious too if he was late to work A LOT?
I had this thought. Have any of you read or seen any Discovery ID shows where the wife receives a phone call about some achievement or award her husband is to receive, but it has to be a secret, and the person needs her input in planning the party or reception. She goes, secretly, to meet this person somewhere and ends up being raped or kidnapped or meeting some other Horrible fate. I doubt that is what happened but the thought crossed my mind when I hear how she left apparently with no baby items or her phone. Could she have been lured out by a predator with a fake emergency call? Just a thought.
Anything is possible. Never say never. The phone being left behind had to be either she forgot it, or she was sending a message to her husband - Goodbye! Leaving the house with 3 children in tow, including a 1 y/o, means you still need a lot of baby stuff. It's odd that she is caught on CCTV twice appearing to be running everyday errands - the drug store, McD's, etc. and then *Poof*! Weird! I wish they would find her vehicle.
I do have to comment on how proud I am of Christine. It was so nice to see a parent be diligent with her children's safety as they all walked through the door. She was holding onto her 1 year old, held the hand of one of her children while that child held onto the hand of the other child. It is refreshing to see this! I cannot tell you how many times I have had to ask for forgiveness for what goes through my head when I am out shopping because little ones are running free. Christine is obviously a loving and attentive mother. (Notice how I typed "is" not "was". Snarky, I know.)
I do have to comment on how proud I am of Christine. It was so nice to see a parent be diligent with her children's safety as they all walked through the door. She was holding onto her 1 year old, held the hand of one of her children while that child held onto the hand of the other child. It is refreshing to see this! I cannot tell you how many times I have had to ask for forgiveness for what goes through my head when I am out shopping because little ones are running free. Christine is obviously a loving and attentive mother. (Notice how I typed "is" not "was". Snarky, I know.)

ETA: Rest in Peace Christine! Oh my God!
Oh my God! I have to delete my post...

I was just cruising for updates and saw the post. My heart is broken for those children! I hope they can help figure out what happened to their mommy. Another part of me hopes they can't though...
Have we ever had a mother commit suicide with her children in the vehicle? (I am not saying she committed suicide, just wondering.)

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