Jodi Arias Murder Trial - the defense continues it's case in chief-*Weekend* #90

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Did Travis attend college? When he returned from his 2 yr. mission stint, how did he support himself, assuming PPL came along later? He valued making a lot of money, according to his blog posts, but I doubt he valued education per se. His disparagement of Lisa's goal of being a teacher, says something about him. I'm not sure what, but likely related to the relatively low pay for the work involved.

You never know, perhaps he was simply saying that you can make lots of money without college. Don't forget she did write that while upset.

A little off topic but anyway, I think TA spent some time being a painter(house painter). I'm a union painter and was surprised to find out he did all his own painting in his house. Very professional cut lines:moo:
Found the schedule of trial at the link someone gave. Thanks. But can someone tell me how many hours difference the trial is as copared to Eastern Time?

The calendar says 10:15 Hearing and 11:00 trail resumes. But I am trying to figure out how many hours from EST the courtroom is in ? Like are they 3 hours difference from EST or 4 hours difference ?

She thought Flores had planted. Her makeup in the garbage can:floorlaugh:

I think the headstand was 100% for Flores, just another attention-seeking device. It took him too long to return to the room.
Oh my! I'm so excited about what today might bring! I hope that the Judge does not let that carp in. Even if she does JM will hammer down Samuels so hard he won't know what hit him but I do hope the Judge does the right thing here and does not let it in.

I've missed JM. I'm embarrassed to say I have a crush on him..:blushing:

Ha, we all knew you had this crush.......!!

Just kidding....can't wait till trial starts...I am getting plum giddy.
Good morning Websleuthers! I have an interesting post to share with all of you this morning- most of you will not be surprised, but some of you will. I have been personal messaging a wonderful sleuther here who was doing some diligent digging on Matt M, I will post part of her message to me this morning:

I was hoping to find a lot on McCartney.I have worked as someone who does/did background checks on people for businesses, lawyers. Strangely, I have found virtually nothing but what we already knew, ie. much of what you had said. I have found several things about his father, haven't looked much for mother. What I have found for sure is the fact that we are not the only ones who have been searching without much success. It seems to be a common thought that SOMEONE has put the Squash on all things related to him. I can't even get his driver's license. There's another thought out there that Martinez and Lopez have something to do with this lack of information. What I'm thinking is that he's possibly in some sort of witness protection type of thing for the moment and will surface at some point during the trial. He's been removed from social networking sites where he used to be. It seems like SOMEONE(s) are trying to prevent anyone from locating/speaking to him before whatever might happen happens. It seems to me that he was just a basic guy in the beginning so I can't think of any other reason why it's been virtually impossible to find what I've been looking for other than that it's been done on purpose. And by persons who's aim is to hide him because it's been my experience that no matter how someone personally tries to hide themselves, there's always a trail somewhere for me to find.

Interesting.... Who is Lopez though?
I'm not saying Jodi is stupid, but she is also not a genius. She ended her formal education early and also left her family. It appears she reads alot and watches alot of movies, and picks up alot of words and ideas that way. But she doesn't always pick the best word or use it correctly. Alot of it is just her personality, she does and says whatever she wants to, and bluffs her way thru. Most people in her life, have probably just let get away with whatever she says, so she feels it is working for her. If she ever went head-to-head was the right know it all, who called her out on it, there would probably be another killing.


"alot" is not a word... :snooty:

:giggle: ... :D
I'm sorry, but my SSN is not an "open" record. Neither is my DL information. If you think it is, go find it.

I think it's offensive, the amount of energy that goes into snooping into inniocent people's lives so you can spread your "theories" or gossip" on some web site.

Tell me again, what his DL has to do with THIS CASE. What "puzzle" are you trying to solve that involves (possibly illegally) obtaining this man's info.

Gosh SusieD, you're being pretty defensive. Some people aren't snooping, it's their job. And you're right, socials are not public records but people doing family history release such things all of the time trying to find info for family history and it's not always that they are posting a social that belonged to a dead person. Whether you want to believe it or not, I can assure you that there are things out there about you whether you want it there or not. I could tell you things but of course I can't if I don't know you're name. And I would bet that most WS folks would be offended by the idea that what we do here is "snooping" and ruining the lives or innocent people. From what I know, we are all interested in justice and the rights of all victims.
idk about the camera/water, was it water proof? I do know that IC's are amazing little things and can be made to leave this earth and do amazing things in space and not break, but camera's I am not so sure about.
Found the schedule of trial at the link someone gave. Thanks. But can someone tell me how many hours difference the trial is as copared to Eastern Time?

The calendar says 10:15 Hearing and 11:00 trail resumes. But I am trying to figure out how many hours from EST the courtroom is in ? Like are they 3 hours difference from EST or 4 hours difference ?


It's almost 9:50am in Arizona right now, if that helps any :)
Found the schedule of trial at the link someone gave. Thanks. But can someone tell me how many hours difference the trial is as copared to Eastern Time?

The calendar says 10:15 Hearing and 11:00 trail resumes. But I am trying to figure out how many hours from EST the courtroom is in ? Like are they 3 hours difference from EST or 4 hours difference ?


Arizona is 3 hours behind EST (at the moment anyway). Hearing starts 1.30 p.m. EST
Judge Jo brown is weird! Lol he called it different in the kc case.
Can't remember exactly what hes aid than my. Fognesia is kicking in!
But he did speak against juror questions.
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