Paint tote they don't. I had heard the WORD garotte before, but, had no idea what one was, until after this murder, and I didn't even know that they were referred to as "twisters" until AFTER reading John's interview.

I had heard the term garrote before I did not know what one was till I watched the Godfater movies but never had I heard the term twister and I think only someone who availed themselves to the world that that term would apply in would be familiar with that term. Thanks Ames for restoring my faith that I am not a total :loser: for feeling the way I do about this
I had heard the term garrote before I did not know what one was till I watched the Godfater movies but never had I heard the term twister and I think only someone who availed themselves to the world that that term would apply in would be familiar with that term. Thanks Ames for restoring my faith that I am not a total :loser: for feeling the way I do about this

I feel the same way, CK.

I find it cold and unnerving that John would use a slang term, and call the cord around his daughter's neck a "twister".

That to me, is like someone that had a child that was killed by a gun or knife, say "my daughter was knocked off"...or "my daughter was "knifed", for example.
Have you gone to any school at all?

BTW, when somebody says twister, I dont think candy or the game, or a garrote. I think tornado. So you're wrong. But then again, so is RDI.

Yep, just proving my point YET AGAIN...thank you are making my work here alot easier. That's exactly the same thing that I think of when I think of twister....a tornado (by the way, did you know that two tornados together, are called Sisters, no kidding). Which just proves my point that the general public would NOT know what a garrote was, much less that they were called twisters.

It's X-Mas time now, get on your Santa outfit, go to the nearest mall.

Ask each child that sits on your lap: heck, even ask the adults:

Would you like a Twister this year?

I can guarantee that 99.9% that are asked this question, are thinking

No, I don't want a BOARD GAME; (TWISTER) OR

No, I don't want CANDY. (TWISTER)

So, that leaves .01% of the population, which includes you, that thinks "garrote".

According to your theory, we are to add in any/all intruders that also think that way.


Have you gone to any school and taken "Statistics"??

:clap: :clap: :clap: Thanks for speaking up I had not even thought of the game Twister Cant think of any candy that is a twister off hand but your affirmation that all of humanity does not instantly think of a garrote or rather type of garrote is somewhat reassuring. I agree maybe 1% of the population might have even known the term. I can only think of one poster who does not even post on this forum that might have known. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm
I feel the same way, CK.

I find it cold and unnerving that John would use a slang term, and call the cord around his daughter's neck a "twister".

That to me, is like someone that had a child that was killed by a gun or knife, say "my daughter was knocked off"...or "my daughter was "knifed", for example.

You might find it more instructive that the term twister was employed at all, it implies fore-knowledge.

The term garrote is wholly ambiguous, it means different things in different jurisdictions.

The important point is that the device around JonBenet's neck could not have operated as a rod and ligature garrote due to the fixed knotting!

In the Godfather movies they employ a simple ligature reminiscant of the thugee technique.

For an interesting but not wholly accurate description of garrote look here, it refers to In modern times, much media attention was given to the murder of JonBenet Ramsay who was sexually abused and strangled with a garrote.

I'd also think of a tornado when I hear the word "twister".
"Twister" makes me think of Chubby Checker :)

Off topic, but a couple of years ago, I bagged Chubby Checker's groceries at the store I worked at.
Have you gone to any school at all?

BTW, when somebody says twister, I dont think candy or the game, or a garrote. I think tornado. So you're wrong. But then again, so is RDI.

I dont know if your aware that we do not will not shall not now or ever tolerate insulting another member of this forum. I consider that an insult when you ask have you gone to any school at all? This matter shall be referred to more capable hands than yours or mine.
:clap: :clap: :clap: Thanks for speaking up I had not even thought of the game Twister Cant think of any candy that is a twister off hand but your affirmation that all of humanity does not instantly think of a garrote or rather type of garrote is somewhat reassuring. I agree maybe 1% of the population might have even known the term. I can only think of one poster who does not even post on this forum that might have known. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmmm

Its like licorice.
I feel the same way, CK.

I find it cold and unnerving that John would use a slang term, and call the cord around his daughter's neck a "twister".

That to me, is like someone that had a child that was killed by a gun or knife, say "my daughter was knocked off"...or "my daughter was "knifed", for example.

Keep looking for your RDI smoking gun. This aint it.
The note suggested the child could be beheaded and they went ahead and called the police and everyone on over so how serious do you really think that ransom note was? The War and Peace of ransom notes. I am not "chilling myself" at all, but the fact that a grieving parent could refer rope ligature that played a role in the death of their own daughter as a slang term "twister" remains to me COLD. That is my opinion and you will not change it. I could really care less if you agree with my opinion or not, you may think its perfectly normal for the Dad of a murder victim to refer to the rope as a Twister I do NOT!

I really am not considering the normalcy of JR's twister remark, as it is not really relevant. Its already widely accepted fact that JR didn't write the note, and there's no motive for JR to have killed his daughter. Its just another thing that RDI clings to despite the fact the investigation has obviously swayed to intruder.
Actually, there IS no investigation at present. And it certainly hasn't veered towards an intruder. The Rs (even the dead one) remain to this day under that "umbrella of suspicion".
Actually, there IS no investigation at present. And it certainly hasn't veered towards an intruder. The Rs (even the dead one) remain to this day under that "umbrella of suspicion".

The semantics are interesting.

There is no "investigation," while dozens or hundreds of people ponder the mystery, turning over every stone, analyzing every remark. Writing every book. Testing new suspect DNA against crime scene samples.

There is an "umbrella of suspicion," an abstract idea not defined in any criminal science educational program. A term professionals coined for use on the surviving household members.
You might find it more instructive that the term twister was employed at all, it implies fore-knowledge.

The term garrote is wholly ambiguous, it means different things in different jurisdictions.

The important point is that the device around JonBenet's neck could not have operated as a rod and ligature garrote due to the fixed knotting!

In the Godfather movies they employ a simple ligature reminiscant of the thugee technique.

For an interesting but not wholly accurate description of garrote look here, it refers to In modern times, much media attention was given to the murder of JonBenet Ramsay who was sexually abused and strangled with a garrote.


Yeah, I just find it odd that the word TWISTER was used at all, to descibe a garrote. How would HE have known the slang word for it...(and its SPANISH slang for garrote).
Yeah, I just find it odd that the word TWISTER was used at all, to descibe a garrote. How would HE have known the slang word for it...(and its SPANISH slang for garrote).

Maybe he could understand that Spanish video on the stun guns after all....
Keep looking for your RDI smoking gun. This aint it.

I consider all of the inconsistant statements by the Ramsey's, the fibers from Patsy's jacket found in the paint tote, on the sticky side of the tape over JB's mouth, and entwined in the "twister"', the fact that John said that he believed that a woman wrote the RN, the pineapple "big bugaboo", the fact that Patsy said that JB went to bed wearing the red turtleneck, and then changed her story, the fact that John told THREE different investigators at THREE separate times, that HE READ to JB before she went to sleep...and then changed his story. The fact that Burke said that JB WALKED in on her own..and the Rams said that she was carried in asleep, the fact that Patsy's fingerprints were found on that "big bugaboo" bowl of pineapple, the fact that she was wrapped "LOVINGLY" a "papoose" ....the same way that I wrap my baby. (need I GO ON??), and the fact that the Ramsey's are STILL under an umbrella of suspicion.....THE SMOKING GUN.
I really am not considering the normalcy of JR's twister remark, as it is not really relevant. Its already widely accepted fact that JR didn't write the note, and there's no motive for JR to have killed his daughter. Its just another thing that RDI clings to despite the fact the investigation has obviously swayed to intruder.

No, he didn't kill her, he just helped to cover it up. IMO If the investigation has "obviously swayed to intruder"...then why are the Rams still "under an umbrella of suspicion"??
The semantics are interesting.

There is no "investigation," while dozens or hundreds of people ponder the mystery, turning over every stone, analyzing every remark. Writing every book. Testing new suspect DNA against crime scene samples.

There is an "umbrella of suspicion," an abstract idea not defined in any criminal science educational program. A term professionals coined for use on the surviving household members.

I have heard the term BEFORE the Ramsey murder, and have heard it since other cases. Umbrella of suspicion....means remains a suspect.

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