Trials & Sentencings set for May, 2022

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For the week of Monday, May 2nd thru Friday, May 6th:

Monday, May 2nd:
*Sentencing Hearing (@ 9am ET) – NY – Leslie Neulander (61) (Sept. 17, 2012, Dewitt) – *Dr. M. Robert Neulander (63/now 72) (husband) found guilty (4/2/15) of 2nd degree murder & tampering with evidence. Sentenced (7/30/15) to 20 years to life in prison. Wins appeal (6/29/18) for new trial re juror (#12) misconduct. $1M bail, out on bail 7/13/18.
Re-Trial began on 2/28/22 to 3/1/22 with jury selection. Trial & Opening statements began on 3/2/22 & ended on 3/16/22 with closing arguments. Jurors: 8 men & 4 women. Deliberations: approximately 6 hours & 30 minutes. Guilty of both charges.
Court information from 7/10/18 thru 10/18/21 & jury selection Days 1-2 (2/28 to 3/1/22) & Trial Days 1-10 (3/2 & 3/16/22) & Jury deliberations Day 1 (3/17/22) reference post #135 here:
GUILTY - NY - Leslie Neulander, 61, murdered, DeWitt, 17 Sept 2012 *doctor husband arrest *guilty in 2022*

3/17/22 Thursday, Trial Day 11/Jury Deliberations (Day 1): Guilty in 2nd degree murder & tampering with physical evidence. Sentencing is set for 4/11/22.
4/11/22 Update: Sentencing has been reset on 5/2/22.

*Trial set to begin with Jury Selection (@ 9:30am ET) - GA - Tara Faye Grinstead (29) (Oct. 22, 2005, Ocilla) – *Ryan Alexander Duke (21 @ time of crime/33/now 38) arrested (2/23/17), indicted (4/2017) & arraigned (5/4/17) with 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault, burglary & concealing death of another. Plead not guilty. Held without bail.
Trial set to begin on 5/2/22 with jury selection. (thru the end of May).
Court hearings from 10/13/17 thru 3/10/22 Reference post #392 here:
GA - TRIAL OF Ryan Alexander Duke & Bo Dukes - Tara Grinstead, 29, Ocilla, 22 Oct 2005 *ARREST*

4/15/22 Update: Duke & his lawyers are expected to appear before Chief Judge Bill Reinhardt for a critical hearing concerning the sole piece of DNA evidence that prosecutors claim connects Duke to Grinstead’s disappearance – a single latex glove. Pretrial hearing on 4/18/22.
4/18/22 Update: GBI used TrueAllele DNA testing to match Duke’s DNA profile to a sample on a latex glove found outside Grinstead’s home after she disappeared. Since then, the defense claims they have received new records that suggest the DNA testing deviates from the GBI’s standard testing protocols for DNA evidence. The defense is expected to question GBI forensic scientists about their methodology & findings. Witness: Emily Schmidt, forensic analyst. Duke’s defense lawyers attempted Monday to poke holes in the reliability of the DNA testing that links Duke to the crime scene. Lawyers allege prosecutors are playing hide-and-seek with all the potential evidence as the trial approaches. The jury will hear two things that link Duke to Tara's 2005 disappearance & killing: a 2017 confession Duke gave investigators that he now says was false & DNA the GBI said it found on a latex glove discovered just outside of Grinstead’s home. Defense lawyers allege the GBI didn’t follow its own protocols in testing the evidence & isn’t providing all the documents for the defense to look at them independently. Next trial set to begin on 5/2/22.
4/28/22 Update: Zoom meeting held. Important rulings were made Thursday. The defense attorneys reportedly didn’t want jurors in the case to know about Grinstead’s past. They felt the details, good or bad, should not play a role in the jury’s decision. “Any references to her being a beauty queen, being involved in pageantry. Any of her personal life,” said defense attorney John Merchant. That’s one of the requests lawyers made of the judge in Duke’s upcoming murder trial. Duke’s attorneys say too much information about the well-liked Grinstead would influence the jury. “It’s only appropriate in limited versions during sentencing, during the guilt-innocence phase none of that is allowed to come in,” Merchant said. But in a Zoom meeting prosecutors told the judge that Grinstead’s life will play a key role * those facts will come out. The judge ruled that any statements Bo Dukes made prior to talking with the GBI can be used & anything he told police can’t be used in this trial. Starting Monday, 800 Irwin county residents will be called for jury duty.

*Bo Dukes: Found guilty (3/21/19) and sentenced to 25 years. 10/22/20 Update: A hearing set for 11/24/20, in Wilcox County for Dukes. The judge will consider Dukes' request for a new trial.

*Trial set to begin (Day 1) for both (@ 9am CT) – WI – Selah F. Q. Kaden (13) (May 31, 2018, Mineral Point/DOB 10/23/04) - *Laurie D. Barry (50/now 53) & Alexis E. Barry (27/now 30) charged (6/24/19) & arraigned (10/16/19) with 1st degree reckless homicide (as a party to crime-Felony B). Both plead not guilty. $250K Signature bond.
Trial began on 4/28/22 with jury selection. Trial begins on 5/2/22. (thru 5/13/22). 12 jurors/with 4 alternates. Trial dates: 5/2, 5/3, 5/4, 5/5, 5/6, 5/9, 5/10, 5/11, 5/12 & 5/13/22.
Selah info & court info from 6/24/19 thru 4/26/22 reference post #265 here:
WI - Selah Kaden, 13, Suspicious Death, Mineral Point, 31 May 2018 *arrests*

4/28/22 Thursday, Jury Selection Day 1: Pretrial conference. 8:30am: Defendant Laurie D. Barry in court. Attorney Matthew C. Allen in court for State. Attorney Jessa K. Nicholson & attorney Paisley S Hoffman in court for Laurie. Defendant Alexis E. Barry in court. Attorney Christopher T. Van Wagner in court for Alexis. Attorney Matthew C. Allen in court for State. Review of voir dire selections - determination of 5 State strikes, 7 Defense strikes - 16 seated jurors = 28 seated in voir dire. Final trial discussions. Random list of jurors generated by Clerk, 28 jurors seated. 9:13am: voir dire oath given to all potential jurors. 11:30am: Court takes unexpected recess, to resume selection at 12:40pm. 12:51pm: Jury selection resumes. 2:14pm: Court conducts private voir dire questioning. 2:45pm: public voir dire continues. 3:15pm: Voir dire concludes-counsel conducts strikes. 3:30pm: Selected jurors (16) read by the Clerk. Court excuses jurors; advises chosen jurors of return time on Monday, 5/2/22 @ 9am.

*Trial continues (Day 13) (@ 9am PT) – OR - Daniel Craig Brophy (63) (June 2, 2018, Portland) – *Nancy Lee Crampton-Brophy (68/now 71) “wife” arrested (9/5/18), charged (9/6/18) & arraigned (9/17/18) with felony murder & unlawful use of a weapon. Plead not guilty. Held without bond. Bond was denied (4/29/20).
Trial bean on 3/14/22 with jury selection & ended 3/18/22. Trial began on 4/4/22 (expected to last to 5/20/22).
Court hearings from 9/6/18 thru 2/18/22 & Jury selection Day 1-5 (3/14 to 3/18/22) & Trial Day 1-11 (4/4 to 4/20/22) reference post #256 here:
OR - Dan Brophy, fatally shot at Oregon Culinary Institute, 2 June 2018 *Wife Arrested*

4/21/22 Thursday, Trial Day 12: Prosecutors will rest their case today. Defense will start their case on Wed. 4/27/22 for only 1 day that week & will continue on Monday, 5/2/22. Defense has 2 witnesses from State’s list & 3 financial experts.
State witness: Robert Azorr works at Portland police investigator accountant (civilian) back on stand.
for more info see post #265 am session here:
OR - Dan Brophy, fatally shot at Oregon Culinary Institute, 2 June 2018 *Wife Arrested*
Prosecutors rested their case. Trial continues on Wednesday, 4/27/22 when defense begins their case. 4/22/22 Update: Multnomah Circuit Court Public Information Analyst said the court was notified that someone involved in the trial was in the courtroom, had tested positive for Covid-19. Trial on hold until 5/2/22.

*Trial continues (Day 6) (@ 9am CT) – TX – Mason Williams (21 mos.) (July 4, 2018, Kyle; parents blame demons on death) - *Dazrine Ruth Chagoya-Williams (20/now 24) arrested & charged (7/23/18) with1st degree capital murder & 1st degree injury to a child (8 mo. old daughter). Plead not guilty. $250K Surety bond or cash. Bond reduction-denied (8/26/21).
Prior CPS reports; 8 mo. old taken by CPS. 8-month-old daughter was injured too; the infant was taken to a local hospital & found to have multiple rib fractures, a skull fracture & a lacerated kidney.
Trial began on 4/25/22.

Court hearings from 10/15/18 thru 4/24/22 & Trial Days 1-3 (4/25 thru 4/28/22) reference post #134 here:
TX - Mason Williams, 21 months, murdered, parents blame death on demons, Kyle, 4 Jul 2018

4/29/22 Friday, Trial Day 4: State witnesses: Helen Jackson Franks. She is Stevie Williams' grandmother (or mother?). Amanda Del Cueto, Dazrine's half sister. Garry Pruitt, Dazrine's dad.
for more info see post #138 & 139 here:
TX - Mason Williams, 21 months, murdered, parents blame death on demons, Kyle, 4 Jul 2018
State witnesses: Lindsay Ortiz, half sister to Dazrine. Linda Chagoya, Dazrine's mom.
for more info see post #139 here:
TX - Mason Williams, 21 months, murdered, parents blame death on demons, Kyle, 4 Jul 2018
Trial continues on Monday, 5/2/22.

*Stevie Dwayne Williams – Trial began on 10/12/21 & ended on 10/21/21 was found guilty of 1st degree capital murder & sentenced to LWOP. Appeal filed 12/21/21.

*Trial continues (Day 15) (@ 9am PT) – WA – Hazel Journey Holman (3) (Nov. 27, 2019, Bellingham) - *Kamee Nicole Dixon (27/now 29) (Father’s GF) arrested (12/5/19), charged (12/6/19), indicted (12/9/19) & arraigned (12/13/19) with homicide by abuse (domestic violence) & 2nd degree murder (domestic violence). Plead not guilty. $1M bond.
Trial began on 4/11/22.
Court info from 12/6/19 thru 4/5/22 & Trial Day 1-13 (4/11 to 4/28/22) reference post #167 here:
WA - Hazel Homan, 3, murdered by dad's girlfriend, Bellingham, 27 Nov 2019 *Arrest*

4/29/22 Friday, Trial Day 14: No info available. Trial continues on Monday, 5/2/22.

Tuesday, May 3rd:
*Sentencing Hearing (Violation) & Review Hearing (assault) (@ am ET) – CT – Jennifer Rebecca Farber Dulos (50) (May 24, 2019, New Canaan; still missing) – *Kent D. Mawhinney (54/now 56) arrested & charged (1/7/20) & arraigned (2/20/20) with conspiracy to commit murder. Plead not guilty. Held on $2M bond. Bond reduced (10/7/20) to $246K. Bond posted (10/19/20).
Court info from 1/7/20 thru 12/20/21 reference post #98 here:
Still Missing - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #55

1/18/22 Update: Brief virtual hearing for Mawhinney during which Judge John F. Blawie put the case on the trial docket but with no date yet. There is no future court date at the moment, but that will only happen if a new motion is filed or new information arises. Also learned today a request was previously granted to allow Mawhinney to travel for family business to Cape Cod & Florida. The judge & Mawhinney’s attorney noted he’s been compliant with the terms of his release since he posted bond in October 2020.

*Charged (1/21/19) spousal sexual assault, disorderly conduct & 2nd degree unlawful restraint & on June 26, 2019 with violating of a protective order. Plead not guilty. $500 bond for each count.
*Divorce case - 11/6/20: Uncontested dissolution of divorce granted.
If bond made – on house arrest, surrender passport & no contact with co-defendants. Dulos’ former civil lawyer who represented Dulos against a $2.5 million civil lawsuit filed by his mother-in-law.

Court info from 2/14/20 thru 1/24/22 reference post #98 here:
Still Missing - CT - Jennifer Dulos, 50, New Canaan, 24 May 2019 *ARRESTS* #55

2/3/22 Update: Mawhinney appeared Thursday in State Superior Court in Hartford since a judge ordered Hartford State’s Attorney Sharmese Walcott to provide detailed responses to the evidence the prosecution has gathered in the domestic cases. Another prosecutor stood in for Walcott during the brief proceedings on Thursday. Judge Hope Seeley told the court she expected the case to go in a particular direction Thursday. Instead, she called for a short continuance until 2/23/22 so she could receive “the further information the court has asked for."
2/23/22 Update: Mawhinney plead guilty on Wednesday to a charge of violating a protective order that stemmed from an incident involving his ex-wife. Mawhinney entered his plea under the Alford Doctrine, which means he does not admit guilt but agrees that there is sufficient evidence to potentially be convicted. Under an agreement with prosecutors, Mawhinney would receive a suspended five-year prison sentence & three years of probation. Mawhinney is scheduled to be sentenced on 4/20/22 & review hearing on assault charge.
4/19/22 Update: Sentencing on violation & review hearing on assault have been rescheduled to 5/3/22.
*Michelle C. Tronconis (44/now 47) – Case #021178T, #0167364T & #0148553T: Pretrial hearing on 6/7/22.
*Fotis Dulos (52) – Committed suicide on 1/28/20 & declared dead at 5:32pm on 1/30/20. 3/3/20: Charges dismissed. The case against Dulos will be officially dismissed in about a year, unless the state decides to reopen it. 1/17/22: After debt, no money left in Dulos estate for children. While Fotis Dulos’ estate has $395,687 in assets, it owes $548,280.75 in expenses, according to Farmington Probate Court records. Attorney Christopher Hug will be paid $189,525 for settling the estate & attorney Paul Knierim, who represented Hug, will receive $98,326, court documents show."

*Trial continues (Day 15) (@ 9am PT) - CA – *Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani (53/now 56) (CFO & President of Theranos) indicted & charged (6/14/18) & arraigned (6/15/18) with 9 counts of wire fraud & 2 counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Another count of wire fraud was added in 2020, bringing the total number of felony charges to 12. Plead not guilty. No bond. Faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison & a fine of $2.75 million, plus restitution, & $250K for each individual count of wire fraud & conspiracy. Plead Not guilty.
Federal Court 5:18-cr-00258-EJD-2 / SEC 5:18-cv-01603 filed 3/14/18 pending; plead not guilty.
Defrauding investors out of $700 million in funding for their blood-testing startup Theranos.
Trial began on 3/22/22. Jury: 12 jurors (6 women & 6 men) & 6 alternates (2 women & 4 men). 3/21/22: Jury #1 sick, alternate moves to jury. 12 jurors (6 women & 6 men) & 5 alternates (2 women & 3 men). Trial Court will be in session on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays (from 9-3), but the jury may be asked to come in on some Mondays & Thursdays as well. Trial dates so far: 5/3, 5/4, 5/10, 5/11, 5/13, 5/17, 5/18, 5/20, 5/27, 6/7, 6/8 & 6/10/22.

Indictment & court info from 4/11/20 thru 3/8/22 & Jury selection (Day 1-4) 3/9/22 to 3/15/22 & 3/16 to 3/21/22 & Trial Days 1-2 (3/22 to 3/23/22) & hearing on 3/29/22 & 4/12/22 & Trial Days 3-13 (3/30 to 4/27/22) reference post #141 here:
CA - Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani, 56, (Theranos), wire fraud charges

4/29/22 Friday, Day 14: Motion to exclude hearing: The attorneys argued over admitting exhibits - including a 2013 recording of Holmes' call with investors. Unexpectedly, the government doesn't want to play it, but the defense does. The judge didn't rule on the issue, and told the defense to give their request some more thought. He told the defense repeatedly that if they are going to argue Holmes' statements on the call are true, "there’s some caution with that."
Government witnesses: Patrick Mendenhall, the CEO of investment firm U.S. Capital Advisors LLC. He invested in Theranos in 2005 & 2013 & Sunny Balwani was his primary contact.
for more info see posts #143 & 144 here:
CA - Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani, 56, (Theranos), wire fraud charges
The attorneys argued some more about playing for the jury Holmes' recorded call with investors. At the end of arguments, the judge said he won't admit the evidence unless the government brings it in.
Government witness: Hall Group's John Bryan Tolbert.
for more info see post #145 here:
CA - Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani, 56, (Theranos), wire fraud charges
Trial continues on Tuesday, 5/3/22 @ 9am.

*Elizabeth A. Holmes (34/now 37) (CEO of Theranos) – Trial began on 9/8/21 & ended 1/3/22 with a verdict of guilty on 4 counts of 11. Next sentencing hearing on 9/26/22.

Friday, May 6th:
*Sentencing Hearing (all cases) (@ 9:30am ET) – IN - Amanda Blackburn (28) (was 12 weeks pregnant shot to death, Nov. 10, 2015, Indianapolis) - *Diano Cortez Gordan (24/now 30) arrested (11/19/15) on unrelated charges for parole violation. Plus charged (1/14/16) with 2 counts of murder, robbery resulting in serious bodily injury, 2 counts of burglary, theft, intimidation, criminal confinement & battery resulting in moderate bodily injury. Plead not guilty.
Gordon: Change of plea (4/5/21) Plead guilty. Case #49D31-1601-MR-001659-Plea on 5/23/18: Counts 1-4 & 6 were all dismissed. 1) Murder, 2) Murder, 3) Burglary, 4) Theft where value of property is, 6) Habitual Offender & Plea by agreement: 5) Robbery W/serious bodily injury.
Case #49D31-1512-F4-043993-Plea on 5/23/18: Counts 2, 4, 5 were all dismissed. 1) Burglary, burglary of a dwelling, 2) Theft where value of property is between $750 & $50k, 3) Burglary, burglary of a dwelling, 4) Theft where value of property is between $750 & $50k, 5) Habitual Offender & Plea by Agreement: 1) Burglary, burglary of a dwelling & 3) Burglary, burglary of a dwelling. Sentencing on 12/17/21.
Larry Jo Taylor Jr. & Jalen Watson have been charged & arraigned (12/22/15) for their alleged roles in a burglary & rape of a woman November 3, 2015 at her west side apartment.

12/8/21 Update: By request sentencing date has been rescheduled to 5/6/22 @ 9:30am.
*Larry Jo Taylor, Jr. (18/now 24) - Trial which started 12/6/21 was declared a mistrial. Hernandez murder pretrial hearing on 5/20/22. Robbery, Rape & other charges: Pretrial hearing on 5/20/22. Jury selection begins on 6/3/22 & trial set to begin on 7/18/22. Blackburn murder: jury selection starts on 6/3/22.
*Jalen Emmanuel Watson (21/now 27) - Plead guilty (10/27/21) & sentenced to 29 years. Earliest possible release date: 8/17/2037.

Monday, May 2nd:
*Sentencing Hearing (@ 9am ET) – NY – Leslie Neulander (61) (Sept. 17, 2012, Dewitt) – *Dr. M. Robert Neulander (63/now 72) (husband) found guilty (4/2/15) of 2nd degree murder & tampering with evidence. Sentenced (7/30/15) to 20 years to life in prison. Wins appeal (6/29/18) for new trial re juror (#12) misconduct. $1M bail, out on bail 7/13/18.
Re-Trial began on 2/28/22 to 3/1/22 with jury selection. Trial & Opening statements began on 3/2/22 & ended on 3/16/22 with closing arguments. Jurors: 8 men & 4 women. Deliberations: approximately 6 hours & 30 minutes. Guilty of both charges.
Court information from 7/10/18 thru 10/18/21 & jury selection Days 1-2 (2/28 to 3/1/22) & Trial Days 1-10 (3/2 & 3/16/22) & Jury deliberations Day 1 (3/17/22) reference post #135 here:
GUILTY - NY - Leslie Neulander, 61, murdered, DeWitt, 17 Sept 2012 *doctor husband arrest *guilty in 2022*

3/17/22 Thursday, Trial Day 11/Jury Deliberations (Day 1): Guilty in 2nd degree murder & tampering with physical evidence. Sentencing is set for 4/11/22. 4/11/22 Update: Sentencing has been reset on 5/2/22.
5/2/22 Update: Neulander has been sentenced to a minimum term of 20 years & a maximum of life in prison. During the sentencing hearing on Monday, Onondaga County Chief Assistant DA Melinda McGunnigle said during a statement that Leslie died way too young, just as she was ready to move on to the next chapter of her life. During the sentencing hearing, McGunnigle stated that the evidence against Robert is overwhelming & Leslie’s injuries were too severe & too numerous to be caused by a fall in the shower. “A piece of Leslie’s head was found at the scene, in a location that completely contradicts the events’ story,” said McGunnigle. During his statement, Defense Lawyer Jonathan Bach asked for a 15-year sentence for Robert & shared parts of letters that the Neulander children & other family members wrote to the court ahead of Robert's sentencing. Robert addressed the court Monday during his sentencing hearing, saying “My family’s central focus at this time is that our beloved Leslie is no longer with us, which changed our lives forever. The result has been...that our family has suffered greatly.” I’m turning 71 later this year,” Robert continued. “I humbly implore you to allow our family a sliver of hope, a small sliver of hope that I may die being surrounded by my family.” Before delivering the sentence, Judge Thomas Miller said Robert had the ‘benefit’ of two trials, seven years apart, with diverse jury members who did not favor one side or the other. He emphasized that even with two juries the verdict was still the same. Judge Miller said he does not doubt the sincerity of the letters submitted by Robert’s family members nor does he doubt the sense of loss they feel, though he did not believe a minimum sentence of 15 years was appropriate. His defense team has said they plan to file an appeal. They have 30 days to do so following the sentencing hearing.

Wednesday, May 4th:
*Pretrial Hearing (@ 10am ET) – LA – Levi Cole Ellerbe (6 mos.) (July 17, 2018, Natchitoches; died July 18, 2018; kidnapped & burned to death) – *Hanna Nicole Barker (22/now 26) “mom” arrested (7/25/18), charged (7/28/18) & indicted (8/9/18) with 1st degree murder, meaning “actual perpetrator of the crime” & with 1 count of criminal conspiracy and arraigned & charged (7/15/21) with conspiracy to commit 1st degree murder of a child younger than 12. Plead not guilty to this charge (7/15/21). Plead not guilty (charges on 7/28/18). Held without bond. DA will seek DP.
Trial was set to begin on 4/25/22 continued to 6/6/22. Jury will be picked from Lake Charles in Calcasieu Parish instead of St. Landry Parish in Lake Charles, but will be tried in Natchitoches Parish.
Court info from 10/22/20 thru 1/19/22 reference post #576 here:
LA - Levi Cole Ellerbe, 6 mos, kidnapped, burned to death, Natchitoches, 17 Jul 2018 *arrests*

3/7/22 Update: The State agreed to a joint motion for another change of venue for jury selection. Both parties agreed to move jury selection from St. Landry Parish to Lake Charles in Calcasieu Parish, with a trial start date of 6/6/22. The court also took up three motions filed. The defense agreed to meet with State prosecutors on 3/30/22 to review a motion of access to physical evidence. They also took up a motion for a request of Payne material, with statements provided to the defense. That motion deals with the potential death penalty sentence Barker could receive if convicted. The last motion submitted by the defense was a response of notice of other crimes of evidence, regarding the State’s plans to request the admittance of Barker’s past drug convictions during the trial. The defense had no objection to that request, with defense attorney Dhu Thompson saying the drug convictions will also play a role in their case. The next hearing is set for 4/12/22 at 1pm at the Natchitoches Parish Courthouse. Judge Desiree Duhon Dyess is presiding over the case. Barker is represented by Thompson, with Cliff Strider acting as lead prosecutor.
4/12/22 Update: Natchitoches Parish Assistant DA Cliff Strider & DA Billy Joe Harrington were in Judge Dyess' courtroom Tuesday to present the motions in limine, which asks a judge to allow or not allow certain evidence to be introduced during a trial. The motions covered mentioning confessions in opening statements, using cellphone records, recalling witnesses for more questioning & declaring body camera video from the Natchitoches Police Dept. admissible. As each motion was discussed, defense attorney J. Dhu Thompson voiced no objections & told 10th Judicial District Court Judge Desiree Duhon Dyess he planned to use some of the same material in his defense of Barker. "We want those cameras to come in, in their entirety," he said of the motion to find the body camera video admissible. Judge Dyess granted all the motions. Thompson also told Dyess that he & Strider met in Baton Rouge to review all the physical evidence in the case, which he said satisfied another of his motions. Another pretrial hearing was set for 5/4/22 @ 10am.
5/4/22 Update: Barker accepted a plea deal on Wednesday, about a month before her trial in the 2018 burning death of her 6-month-old son. A hearing had been set for Wednesday instead Barker entered a guilty plea (Alford Plea) to avoid the death penalty. Barker will serve both sentences concurrently, for a total of 30 years in prison.


*Sentencing Hearing (@ pm ET) – LA – Levi Cole Ellerbe (6 mos.) (July 17, 2018, Natchitoches; died July 18, 2018; kidnapped & burned to death) – *Felicia Marie-Nicole Smith (25/now 28) arrested & charged (7/21/18), indicted (8/30/18) & arraigned (1/24/19) with 1 count of 1st degree murder & charged (1/24/19) with criminal conspiracy. Plead not guilty. Held without bond.
Trial was set to begin on 1/19/21 was cancelled due to COVID & plead guilty (7/21/21) & sentencing hearing will be scheduled after Barker’s trial (4/25/22).
Court info from 7/25/18 thru 1/11/219 reference post #565 here:
LA - Levi Cole Ellerbe, 6 mos, kidnapped, burned to death, Natchitoches, 17 Jul 2018 *arrests*

7/21/21 Update: Smith plead guilty Wednesday afternoon to an amended bill of information that charged her with manslaughter, conspiracy to commit first-degree murder & cruelty to a juvenile. She will receive 40 years at hard labor without the benefit of probation or suspension of sentence for manslaughter, 30 years at hard labor for conspiracy & 10 years at hard labor for cruelty to a juvenile. The sentences will be served consecutively, meaning she'll be sent to prison for 80 years. Smith will be formally sentenced on 10/27/21. Will testify in Barker’s trial per plea agreement.
10/27/21 Update: Smith was set to be sentenced Wednesday in Natchitoches District Court. However, the district judge recently signed a motion continuing the sentencing date until after the trial of her ex-girlfriend Hanna Barker. Smith plead guilty in July to several charges in a plea agreement with the State to avoid a capital murder trial where the death penalty could have been an option if she was convicted. Instead, she received an 80-year sentence for manslaughter, conspiracy to commit first-degree murder & cruelty to a juvenile. A condition of the plea is for Smith to testify truthfully against Barker, who is charged with first-degree murder. Barker had been scheduled to go to trial last month, but the date was pushed to March. The jury pool for Barker’s trial will come from St. Landry Parish, with the actual trial to be held in Natchitoches Parish. Should Smith not testify truthfully then the Natchitoches Parish District Attorney's office reserves the right to withdraw the plea & prosecute Smith on the original first-degree murder charge. Sentencing on 5/4/22 in afternoon.
5/4/22 Update: Smith has been sentenced to 80 years in prison. She pleaded guilty to manslaughter, conspiracy & cruelty to a juvenile in July 2021. She will serve those sentences consecutively.

Tuesday, May 3rd:
*Pretrial/Trial Setting Hearing (@ 8:30am PT) - CA – Dayvon “DayDay” Taylor Nicholson (6) (Dec. 26, 2019, Downey; beaten to death) - *Tyler D’Shaun Martin-Brand (23/now 25) (friend of mom’s) arrested (12/26/19), charged (12/30/19) & arraigned (1/23/20) & re arraigned (1/12/22) with 2nd degree murder & assault on a child causing death. Plead not guilty. $2M bond.
Daughter (4) removed from mom’s care, in her father’s care. Martin-Brand was a supervisor in an after-school program at Normandie Elementary school last summer. Martin-Brand is described as an acquaintance of the boy's mother & the boy was described as his godson.
Trial was set to begin on 3/3/22 continued no further dates.
Court info from 12/30/19 thru 2/9/21 reference post #52 here:
CA - Dayvon, 6, pronounced dead at hospital, Downey, 26 Dec 2019 *Acquaintance of mom arrested*
4/27/22 Update: Pretrial conference/trial setting hearing rescheduled on 5/3/22.

5/3/22 Update: Brand plead no contest on Tuesday to 2nd degree murder. Prosecutors dismissed assault charge. Sentenced to 15 years to life in prison. Next proffer report hearing on 5/9/22 defendant need not attend & restitution hearing on 8/3/22.
*Trial continues (Day 10)-VERDICT REACHED! (Day 1) (@ 9am CT) – TX – Mason Williams (21 mos.) (July 4, 2018, Kyle; parents blame demons on death) - *Dazrine Ruth Chagoya-Williams (20/now 24) arrested & charged (7/23/18) with1st degree capital murder & 1st degree injury to a child (8 mo. old daughter). Plead not guilty. $250K Surety bond or cash. Bond reduction-denied (8/26/21).
Prior CPS reports; 8 mo. old taken by CPS. 8-month-old daughter was injured too; the infant was taken to a local hospital & found to have multiple rib fractures, a skull fracture & a lacerated kidney.
Trial began on 4/25/22 & State rested their case on 5/5/22 & defense rested their on 5/5/22. Jury received case on 5/6/22. Total deliberations: 4 ½ hours, could be more.

Court hearings from 10/15/18 thru 4/24/22 & Trial Days 1-10 (4/25 thru 5/6/22) reference post #154 here:
5/6/22 Friday, Trial Day 10/Jury Deliberations (Day 1): Jury continues their deliberations. Verdict has been reached. Chagoya-Williams was convicted of capital murder of a child under 10 years of age after the jury’s guilty verdict Friday, May 6, 2022. Bill Henry, the 428th Judicial District Court Judge, sentenced Chagoya-Williams to life in prison without the possibility of parole. The sentence is automatic in a capital murder case as the State of Texas does not seek the death penalty, according to a Hays County news release.
*Stevie Dwayne Williams – Trial began on 10/12/21 & ended on 10/21/21 was found guilty of 1st degree capital murder & sentenced to LWOP. Appeal filed 12/21/21.
For the week of Monday, May 9th thru Friday, May 13th:

Monday, May 9th:
*Trial begins (Day 1) (@ 9am ET) - GA - Tara Faye Grinstead (29) (Oct. 22, 2005, Ocilla) – *Ryan Alexander Duke (21 @ time of crime/33/now 38) arrested (2/23/17), indicted (4/2017) & arraigned (5/4/17) with 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault, burglary & concealing death of another. Plead not guilty. Held without bail.
Trial began on 5/2/22 with jury selection. Trial begins on 5/9/22. 12 jurors & 6 alternates.
Court hearings from 10/13/17 thru 4/28/22 & Jury selection Day 1-2 (5/3 to 5/4/22) reference post #427 here:
5/5/22 Thursday, Jury Selection Day 3: 48 jurors (another article said 50) were selected on Wednesday. On Thursday, the court will strike the jury. This is when the final jurors out of the 48 (or 50) are chosen. The court is selecting 12 jurors & 6 alternates. Trial begins with opening statements begin on Monday, 5/9/22.
*Bo Dukes: Found guilty (3/21/19) and sentenced to 25 years. 10/22/20 Update:
A hearing set for 11/24/20, in Wilcox County for Dukes. The judge will consider Dukes' request for a new trial.

*Trial continues (Day 16) (@ 9am PT) – OR - Daniel Craig Brophy (63) (June 2, 2018, Portland) – *Nancy Lee Crampton-Brophy (68/now 71) “wife” arrested (9/5/18), charged (9/6/18) & arraigned (9/17/18) with felony murder & unlawful use of a weapon. Plead not guilty. Held without bond. Bond was denied (4/29/20).
Trial began on 3/14/22 with jury selection & ended 3/18/22. Trial began on 4/4/22 (expected to last to 5/20/22). Prosecutors rested their case on 4/21/22.
Court hearings from 9/6/18 thru 2/18/22 & Jury selection Day 1-5 (3/14 to 3/18/22) & Trial Day 1-14 (4/4 to 5/4/22) reference post #298 here:
5/5/22 Thursday, Trial Day 15: Defense witnesses: Ellen D. Levine, via video conference & lives near OCI. Susan Estrada, niece of Nancy’s. Michael Peterson, is a chef & went to school at OCI. Matthew Gitchell, wife’s aunt. Sergio Perez, works as video expert for litigations. Josiah Roloff, digital forensic examiner.
For more info see post #313 here:
No court on Friday, 5/6/22, trial continues on Monday, 5/9/22. There will be court on Friday, 5/13/22.

*Trial continues (Day 5) (@ 9am CT) – WI – Selah F. Q. Kaden (13) (May 31, 2018, Mineral Point/DOB 10/23/04) - *Laurie D. Barry (50/now 53) & Alexis E. Barry (27/now 30) charged (6/24/19) & arraigned (10/16/19) with 1st degree reckless homicide (as a party to crime-Felony B). Both plead not guilty. $250K Signature bond.
Trial began on 4/28/22 with jury selection & done. Trial began on 5/2/22. (thru 5/13/22). 12 jurors/with 4 alternates. 5/2/22: Juror #483 excused. 12 jurors/3 alternates. Trial dates: 5/9, 5/10, 5/11, 5/12 & 5/13/22.
Selah info & court info from 6/24/19 thru 4/26/22 & Jury selection (4/28/22) & trial day 1-4 (5/4 to 5/5/22) reference post #279 here:
5/6/22 Friday, Trial: Only attorneys & Judge – jury instructions conference held.
For more info see post #278 here:
Trial continues on Monday, 5/9/22 for Day 5.

Tuesday, May 10th:
*Trial continues (Day 16) (@ 9am PT) - CA – *Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani (53/now 56) (CFO & President of Theranos) indicted & charged (6/14/18) & arraigned (6/15/18) with 9 counts of wire fraud & 2 counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Another count of wire fraud was added in 2020, bringing the total number of felony charges to 12. Plead not guilty. No bond. Faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison & a fine of $2.75 million, plus restitution, & $250K for each individual count of wire fraud & conspiracy. Plead Not guilty.
SEC 5:18-cv-01603 filed 3/14/18 pending; plead not guilty.
Defrauding investors out of $700 million in funding for their blood-testing startup Theranos.
Trial began on 3/22/22. Jury: 12 jurors (6 women & 6 men) & 6 alternates (2 women & 4 men). 3/21/22: Jury #1 sick, alternate moves to jury. 12 jurors (6 women & 6 men) & 5 alternates (2 women & 3 men). Trial Court will be in session on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays (from 9-3), but the jury may be asked to come in on some Mondays & Thursdays as well. Trial dates so far: 5/10, 5/11 & Motion to Compel hearing @ 8:30am, 5/13, 5/17, 5/18, 5/20, 5/27, 6/7, 6/8, 6/10, 6/14 & 6/15/22.

Indictment & court info from 4/11/20 thru 3/8/22 & Jury selection (Day 1-4) 3/9/22 to 3/15/22 & 3/16 to 3/21/22 & Trial Days 1-2 (3/22 to 3/23/22) & hearing on 3/29/22 & 4/12/22 & Trial Days 3-13 (3/30 to 4/27/22) reference post #149 here:
5/4/22 Wednesday, Trial Day 15: Government witnesses: No info available.
Trial continues on Tuesday, 5/10/22 @ 9am.

*Elizabeth A. Holmes (34/now 37) (CEO of Theranos) – Trial began on 9/8/21 & ended 1/3/22 with a verdict of guilty on 4 counts of 11. Next sentencing hearing on 9/26/22.

Wednesday, May 11th:
*Trial set to begin (@ 8:30am PT) - WA – Estela Torres Rodriguez (54) (last seen Mar. 28, 2019, reported missing Mar. 29, 2019, Pasco; not found) – *Clemente Rodriguez Torres (34/now 36) son arrested (9/19/19) crossing Mexico-US border (& waived his extradition to the Tri-Cities), charged (10/2/19) & arraigned (10/8/19) with 1st degree murder. Plead not guilty. $1M bond.
Trial set to begin on 5/11/22.
Court info from 10/2/19 thru 3/17/22 reference post #89 here:
4/5/22 Update: Presided over by Judge Alexander C. Ekstrom. Hearing continued defense respondent requested. Hearing rescheduled on 5/3/22. 5/3/22 Update: No access to court site anymore. Will “assume” trial is still on for 5/11/22.
*Carlos Torres Rodriguez (31) son – All charges dismissed (6/4/19). Prosecutors say that they can refile charges if and when they deem it appropriate. After a meeting recently with detectives, the Prosecutors office believes that there could be additional information that could be necessary before proceeding to trial.
*Tiburcio Larios Rodriguez (63/now 65) estranged husband. Murder warrants issued (4/1/18) & charged with 1st degree murder. $1M bond. Believed to have fled to Mexico.

Friday, May 13th:
*Trial set to begin (for both cases) (@ CT) – TX – Infant (4 mos.) (July 12, 2018, San Antonio) – *Terrence Wayne Harper (30/now 33) arrested & charged (7/16/18), indicted (12/18/18) & arraigned (12/21/18) with causing serious injuries to a child (son). Plead not guilty. $150K bond, released.
Infant (5 mos.) (Mar. 12, 2012, San Antonio) – Rearrested & charged (12/19/18), indicted (12/17/18) & arraigned (12/21/18) with capital murder of a child under 10. Plead not guilty. $500K bond.
Trial was set to begin on 2/4/22 continued to 5/13/22.
Court info from 1/23/19 thru 1/21/22 reference post #73 here:
2/4/22 Update: Trial has been continued to 5/13/22.

Tuesday, May 10th:
*Trial continues (Day 6)-VERDICT REACHED! (Day 1) (@ 9am CT) – WI – Selah F. Q. Kaden (13) (May 31, 2018, Mineral Point/DOB 10/23/04) - *Laurie D. Barry (50/now 53) & Alexis E. Barry (27/now 30) charged (6/24/19) & arraigned (10/16/19) with 1st degree reckless homicide (as a party to crime-Felony B). Both plead not guilty. $250K Signature bond.
Trial began on 4/28/22 with jury selection & done. Trial began on 5/2/22. (thru 5/13/22). 12 jurors/with 4 alternates. 5/2/22: Juror #483 excused. 12 jurors/3 alternates. Trial dates: 5/10, 5/11, 5/12 & 5/13/22. State rested their case on 5/5/22 & defense rested their case on 5/9/22.
Selah info & court info from 6/24/19 thru 4/26/22 & Jury selection (4/28/22) & trial day 1-4 (5/4 to 5/5/22) & 5/6/22 reference post #231 here:

5/10/22 Tuesday, Trial 6/Jury Deliberations (Day 1): Defendant Laurie D. Barry in court. Attorney Jessa K. Nicholson in court for Laurie D. Barry. Attorney Paisley S Hoffman in court for Laurie D. Barry. Defendant Alexis E. Barry in court. Attorney Christopher T. Van Wagner in court for Alexis E. Barry. Attorney Matthew C. Allen in court for State of Wisconsin. Court makes record of inclusion of lesser offense; Court recites differences and factors. No further changes to instructions. 9:03 AM Court resumes, jury present. Court begin jury instructions. Closing arguments given. 12:02 PM Two alternate jurors chosen by Clerk by use of tumbler. Oath of Jury Officers given. Jurors excused to deliberation. Two alternate jurors remain and given further instruction. 2:41 PM Court convenes - written questions received from the jury. Decisions made on exhibit requests. 3:12 PM Jury requested review of 911 call, brought into court for review. 3:22 PM Jury reconvenes to deliberations. 6:14 PM Jury presents further question, Court convenes outside their presence. Discussion, argument and ruling on question. 6:43 PM Jury brought into Court to answer question according to ruling. 6:48 PM Jury reconvenes to deliberations. 7:52 PM Jury verdict reached; Court convenes. Jury present. Verdict read: Not Guilty for Laurie & Alexis. Jury polled - unanimous verdict reached. 7:56 PM Jury excused. Motion for judgment on the verdict - motion granted. Bond released. Jury deliberations ~7 1/2 hours.
for more info see post #286 here:
For the week of Monday, May 16th thru Friday, May 20th:

Monday, May 16th:
*Trial set to begin (Burglary charge only) (@ 8:30am ET) – OH – Sereniti Jazzlynn-Sky Blankenship-Sutley (13 mos.) (Oct. 17, 2017, Conneaut) – for *Joshua Dale Gurto (37/now 42) (mom’s BF) charged (10/12/17), arrested (10/25/17 in PA & extradited (11/7/17) back to OH) & arraigned (10/23/18) with 2 counts of aggravated murder, 3 counts of murder, 1st degree rape, 2nd degree felonious assault & 1st degree misdemeanor domestic violence. Plead not guilty. $1M cash bond or surety.
Accused of illegally entering an occupied structure & raping & causing serious harm to a victim in Conneaut on Dec. 18, 2004.
Murder: Trial was set to begin on 5/16/22 was continued to 10/3/22.

Court info from 10/25/18 thru 3/2/22 reference post #197 here:

3/18/22 Update: Murder: Motion filed re "fax" motion to intervene pursuant to Marsy's Law by attorney Sean Martin. Martin on behalf of Bobbie Blankenship (other interested party) & copy to Judge Sezon's office. Trial has been set to begin on 5/16/22. Next status conference hearing @ 11:30am & scheduling conference @ 1pm on 4/14/22.
4/14/22 Update: Motion for continuance of trial filed. 5/13/22 Update: Motion for trial continuance-granted. Next Status conference hearing on 7/22/22 @ 11:30am, Final pretrial hearing on 9/23/22 & trial will now begin on 10/3/22.
*Kelsie Marie Blankenship (23/now 25) – “mom” – 3/5/21: Plead guilty to 1st degree involuntary manslaughter & 3rd degree child endangerment. Sentenced to 6 years in prison.
(12/16/20), indicted (12/18/20) & arraigned (12/22/20) with 2 counts of 1st degree felony aggravated burglary, 1 count of 1st degree felony rape & 1 count of 2nd degree felonious assault. Plead not guilty. Bond $50K cash or surety.
Trial set to begin on 5/16/22.
Court info from 12/17/20 thru 3/2/22 reference post #17 here:

3/18/22 Update: Burglary: Trial has been set to begin on 5/16/22. Next status conference hearing @ 11:30am on 4/14/22. 3/21/22 Update: Ordered that amended Case Management Order filed. In the zoom meeting on 4/18/22 the Court advised the attorneys in both cases to be prepared to try their respective cases on the below agreed upon date. The State has the right to elect which case will proceed to trial first & shall file a Notice of its election no later than 3/25/22. Parties shall exchange a list of witnesses & trial exhibits & submission of agreed jury instructions (electronically) to the court & filing of any Motions in Limine. Deadline for both 4/25/22. Zoom status conference hearing on 4/14/22.
4/14/22 Update: Purpose of hearing of setting a trial date in the 2nd case. 3/23/22: Motion entry & certificate for appointed counsel fees-approved. 4/21/22: Subpoena served (9). 4/22/22: Successful service (9). Trial set to begin on 5/16/22.

*Trial set to begin with Jury Selection (@ am ET) - FL – Daniel Eric Markel (41) (shot to death July 18, 2014, Tallahassee) - *Katherine Magbanua (32/now 37) (Garcia's wife) arrested (Oct. 2016) & charged with 1st degree murder & 1 count conspiracy & 1 count solicitation of murder were brought together into one case on Tuesday (3/20/18). Plead not guilty. Held without bond.
Murder for Hire hit man. They split a $100K payoff for murder KM has rejected several offers of immunity for her testimony.
First trial started on 9/23/19. Jury: 10 women & 2 men & 1 alternate (woman); was 2 alternates one (man) got sick & excused on 10/3/19. Jury Deliberations on 10/10/19: 4.5 hours. 10/11/19: 6.5 hours for a total of 11 hours. Found Garcia guilty verdict. Mistrial declared for Magbanua. (10-2 for guilty). Will remain in jail as a charged co-conspirator & the State will try her case again.
Re-Trial set to begin on 5/16/22 with jury selection. Trial expected to start 5/18/22. (should last 3 weeks).

Court info & trial from 9/23/19 thru 4/29/22 reference post #225 here:

5/3/22 Update: Motions heard. State: Limit wiretap of 35 calls between CA to DA admissibility-not hearsay per State. Defense says this is hearsay. Judge rules calls are admissible. Defense complains about discovery deadlines that are not being met. State has interviewed specifically 3 witnesses after discovery deadlines. Next final pretrial hearing on 5/13/22. 5/5/22: Order denying State's motion to use demonstrative aid (Deny the use of a closed caption transcript while the Dolce Vita video plays).
5/13/22 Update: Answer to demand for discovery amended; motion to sealed ex-parte Motion; Order to transport. Hearing held. Procedures review for jury selection & trial. Judge Wheeler ruled that a demonstrative aid/transcript will not be able to be used by the prosecution for the wiretap evidence which is consistent with his previous ruling on demonstrative aids/transcripts for the Dolce video. The defense indicated that Sigfredo Garcia will be testifying on behalf of the Defense. Next trial to begin on 5/16/22 with jury selection.
*Charles Jay Adelson (45) – First appearance & bond hearing on 4/26/22. 4/26/22: Bond denied. No further dates yet.
*Sigfredo Garcia (34) – 10/10/19: found guilty of 1st degree murder. Guilty of conspiracy. Not guilty of solicitation. Sentenced to LWOP for murder plus 30 years for conspiracy charge. 11/4/19: Motion to Withdraw as Counsel: Mauricio Padilla; Motion to Withdraw as Counsel: Saam Zangeneh.
*Luis Rivera (33) charged with 1st degree murder. Took a plea deal (Oct. 2016) & plead guilty to 2nd degree murder. Will testify against Garcia & Magbanua. Will receive 19-year sentence to run concurrently with his 12 year Federal time, which he is already serving.

POIs: Wendi Adelson (ex-wife of Markel), her mom Donna Sue Adelson (68) & father Harvey Adelson. Investigators have not charged any of these people in the Adelson family in connection with Markel’s death, except Charlie; but say Adelson’s mother & brother – Donna & Charlie Adelson – paid $100K to have Markel killed following the couple’s contentious divorce so their two young sons could move to South Florida.

*Trial continues (Day 2) (for both cases) (@ CT) – TX – Infant (4 mos.) (July 12, 2018, San Antonio) – *Terrence Wayne Harper (30/now 33) arrested & charged (7/16/18), indicted (12/18/18) & arraigned (12/21/18) with causing serious injuries to a child (son). Plead not guilty. $150K bond, released.
Infant (5 mos.) (Mar. 12, 2012, San Antonio) – Rearrested & charged (12/19/18), indicted (12/17/18) & arraigned (12/21/18) with capital murder of a child under 10. Plead not guilty. $500K bond.
Trial began on 5/13/22.
Court info from 1/23/19 thru 1/21/22 reference post #89 here:

5/13/22 Friday, Day 1: Jury selection begins. No info available. Trial continued to Monday, 5/16/22.

*Trial continues (Day 6) (@ 9am ET) - GA - Tara Faye Grinstead (29) (Oct. 22, 2005, Ocilla, still missing) – *Ryan Alexander Duke (21 @ time of crime/33/now 38) arrested (2/23/17), indicted (4/2017) & arraigned (5/4/17) with 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault, burglary & concealing death of another. Plead not guilty. Held without bail.
Trial began on 5/2/22 with jury selection. Trial began on 5/9/22. 12 jurors & 6 alternates.
Court hearings from 10/13/17 thru 4/28/22 & Jury selection Day 1-3 (5/3 to 5/5/22) & Trial Day 1-4 (5/9 to 5/12/22) reference post #493 here:

5/13/22 Friday, Trial Day 5: State witnesses: GBI DNA forensic biologist Ashley Hinkle, LT Darin Meadows, Juvenile investigations Houston County Sheriff's Office. In 2005, Meadows was a Digital Forensics Analyst. He helped the GBI pull information from devices. Dr. Alice Gooding, Forensic Anthropologist State of Georgia at Large.
for more info see post #495, 496 & 498 here:
Trial continues on Monday, 5/16/22.

*Bo Dukes: Found guilty (3/21/19) and sentenced to 25 years. 10/22/20 Update:
A hearing set for 11/24/20, in Wilcox County for Dukes. The judge will consider Dukes' request for a new trial.

*Trial continues (Day 20) (@ 9am PT) – OR - Daniel Craig Brophy (63) (June 2, 2018, Portland) – *Nancy Lee Crampton-Brophy (68/now 71) “wife” arrested (9/5/18), charged (9/6/18) & arraigned (9/17/18) with felony murder & unlawful use of a weapon. Plead not guilty. Held without bond. Bond was denied (4/29/20).
Trial began on 3/14/22 with jury selection & ended 3/18/22. Trial began on 4/4/22 (expected to last to 5/20/22). Prosecutors rested their case on 4/21/22. Defense started their case on 4/27/22 & then continued on 5/2/22.
Court hearings from 9/6/18 thru 2/18/22 & Jury selection Day 1-5 (3/14 to 3/18/22) & Trial Day 1-19 (4/4 to 5/12/22) reference post #331 here:

5/13/22 Friday, Trial: The defense brought people to the stand to question the validity of a witness who shared a jail space with Brophy. Prosecutors & Brophy’s defense team presented arguments about whether to allow the state to bring in a former cellmate of Brophy’s as a rebuttal witness, Anndrea Jacobs, although Judge Christopher Ramras ultimately said he would wait until Monday, 5/16/22 to announce his decision. Defense attorney Kristen Winemiller told Judge Ramras there was “no way” the trial could conclude by May 20 if the judge allowed Jacobs to appear as a rebuttal witness after the defense rests. “To respond to this would require a significant investigation,” Winemiller said. “It’s just simply too late, after they’ve rested, to bring in another witness of this magnitude.”
for more info see post #332 & 333 here:
Trial continues on Monday, 5/16/22 for Day 20.

Tuesday, May 17th:
*Sentencing Hearing (@ 10am CT) – MO – Josie Ann Abney (10) (October 3, 2020, Salem; starved to death: Josie weighed 38 lbs. after she collapsed & died) - for *Susan A. Abney (44/now 45) (adoptive parent) arrested (10/4/20), charged (10/6/20) & arraigned (2/22/21) with abuse or neglect of a child resulting in death & charged (12/14/20) & arraigned (2/22/21) with 2nd degree felony murder. Plead not guilty. $500K cash or Surety bond. Bond denied on 11/19/20.
The Abneys adopted Josie at the age of 3 in 2013 before going on to foster 12 or 13 children over the years. Josie died the next day from severe cachexia & protein calorie malnutrition according to the autopsy. Josie weighed only 34-pounds.
Trial was set to begin on 3/7/22 has been cancelled with a guilty plea on 2/8/22.

Court info from 10/6/20 thru 1/19/22 reference post #114 here:

2/8/22 Update: Susan Abney plead guilty to a charge of abuse or neglect of a child in the death of 10-year-old Josie Ann Abney in 2020. In the plea deal, the state dropped a second-degree murder charge. Sentencing hearing on 4/28/22.
4/28/22 Update: 4/28/22 Update: Cause called in chambers. By agreement of parties, the cause is removed from sentencing hearing & placed on the docket on 5/17/22 @ 1pm for resetting of a sentencing hearing per Judge Michael Randazzo.
*Randall Lee Abney (51/now 52) (adoptive parent) – Plea hearing on 6/24/22. Trial set to begin on 7/11/22 to 7/15/22.

*Trial continues (Day 19) (@ 9am PT) - CA – *Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani (53/now 56) (CFO & President of Theranos) indicted & charged (6/14/18) & arraigned (6/15/18) with 9 counts of wire fraud & 2 counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Another count of wire fraud was added in 2020, bringing the total number of felony charges to 12. Plead not guilty. No bond. Faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison & a fine of $2.75 million, plus restitution, & $250K for each individual count of wire fraud & conspiracy. Plead Not guilty.
SEC 5:18-cv-01603 filed 3/14/18 pending; plead not guilty.
Defrauding investors out of $700 million in funding for their blood-testing startup Theranos.
Trial began on 3/22/22. Jury: 12 jurors (6 women & 6 men) & 6 alternates (2 women & 4 men). 3/21/22: Jury #1 sick, alternate moves to jury. 12 jurors (6 women & 6 men) & 5 alternates (2 women & 3 men). Trial Court will be in session on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays (from 9-3), but the jury may be asked to come in on some Mondays & Thursdays as well. Trial dates so far: 5/17, 5/18, 5/19-Motions hearing only, 5/20, 5/27, 6/7, 6/8, 6/10, 6/14, 6/15, 6/17, 6/21, 6/22/22.
Indictment & court info from 4/11/20 thru 3/8/22 & Jury selection (Day 1-4) 3/9/22 to 3/15/22 & 3/16 to 3/21/22 & Trial Days 1-2 (3/22 to 3/23/22) & hearing on 3/29/22 & 4/12/22 & Trial Days 3-14 (3/30 to 4/29/22) & 5/3/22 & Trial Days 15-17 (5/4 & 5/11/22) reference post #171 here:

5/13/22 Friday, Trial Day 18: Government witnesses: Theranos investor & Black Diamond Ventures founder Chris Lucas. His firm invested $2M in 2006 & $5.4M in 2013. That’s all the info available.
For more info see post #172 here:
Trial Day 19 continues on Tuesday, 5/17/22.

*Elizabeth A. Holmes (34/now 37) (CEO of Theranos) – Trial began on 9/8/21 & ended 1/3/22 with a verdict of guilty on 4 counts of 11. Next sentencing hearing on 9/26/22.

Thursday, May 19th:
*Sentencing Hearing (@ 8:30am ET) – MI - India Elise Mackey (20) (shot on Nov. 19, 2019, Saginaw) - for *Kevin Antonio Dixon (18/now 20) BF arrested & charged (11/19/19) & arraigned (11/21/19) with 1st degree premeditated murder, carrying a concealed weapon & a felony firearm violation. Held without bond. Macomb County #2020-002327-FC; from jail site: Case W195821ABC (11/21/19) No bond / #W82861AB (12/6/19) $1K bond.
Case & court info from 11/21/19 thru 2/9/22 reference post #73 here:

2/28/22 Update: Kevin: Plead Nolo Contendere. All parties in person, defendant in person from MCJ. Plead NC to Count 2: weapons charge & added Count 3: Murder 2nd degree; prosecutors to dismiss Count 1 at sentencing. Sentence agreement 2 years on Count 2 to run consecutive to Count 3, 18 years to cap max of 35 years; Cobbs request, plea accepted. Defendant withdraws all pending motions. Sentencing hearing on 4/12/22 @ 8:30am.
Nikita: Plead Nolo Contendere. All parties appeared in person, defendant plead NC to added Count 3-firearm, improper possession; Dismiss Counts 1 & 2, plea accepted & immediate sentencing of no jail time. Referred to Circuit Court probation for immediate sentencing. Entered in to repayment agreement with JA, can waive late fees when fines are paid in full. State minimum costs $50, Additional court costs $600, CVRS-Misdemeanor $75, defense attorney fees $1,500 & fine $100. $20 per month beginning 3/30/22. Notice of right to appellate review.

4/12/22 Update: Kevin: Defendant's oral motion to withdraw plea-denied. PSI needed. Criminal sentenced has been rescheduled to 5/19/22 @ 8:30am. Request & Notice for electronic media coverage. 4/13/22: Motion to withdraw as attorney Barkovic. 5/2/22: Motion to withdraw as attorney-denied.
*Nikita Lanise Dixon (42/now 44) (Kevin’s mom) – 2/28/22: Plead Nolo Contendere. All parties appeared in person, defendant plead NC to added Count 3-firearm, improper possession; Dismiss Counts 1 & 2, plea accepted & immediate sentencing of no jail time & to pay fines.

Friday, May 20th:
*Sentencing Hearing (@ 1:30pm CT) – IN - Thomas Martin Grill, Jr. (18) & Molley R. Lanham (19) (Feb. 25, 2019, St. John; found in Hebron, in burned out car) – *John Salvadore Silva II (17/now 18) arrested & charged (5/22/20) with 2 felony counts of murder in the perpetration of a robbery. Plead not guilty. No bond.
Trial began on 6/1/21 & ended on 6/24/21 with a mistrial. Jury (9 women & 4 men) deliberated on 6/23/21 (~5 hours) & on 6/24/21 (~7 hours). Total deliberations about 12 hours. Could not come to a unanimous decision.
Trial was set to begin on 4/11/22 but plead guilty on 4/6/22. Sentencing on 5/20/22.
Court info from 8/10/20 thru 5/25/21 & Jury selection (6/1/21) & Trial Day 1-11 (6/2/21 & 6/24/21) &
Jury deliberations Day 1-2 (6/23/21 & 6/24/21) & 7/19/21 to 3/31/22 reference post #266 here:

4/1/22: Defendant's supplemental answer to Order for Discovery, answer filed. Defendant's objection to State's intent to use 404(B) evidence, objection filed. Defendant's Motion in Limine filed. Defendant's Motion to continuance of jury trial filed. Order-Motion for continuance of jury trial-denied. State's motion for evidence Rule 404(B) Disclosure filed. State's witness and/or exhibit list filed. State's request for release of previous evidence filed. State's 2nd request to substitute previous admitted evidence. State's motion request to inspect. State's 2nd request for release of previous evidence filed. State's motion in Limine filed. Next pretrial conference hearing on 4/6/22 @ 1:30pm & jury trial to begin on 4/11/22.
4/1/22: State's proposed preliminary instructions filed. 4/5/22: Order granting State's 2nd request to substitute previously admitted evidence. 4/6/22 Update: John Silva II relented Thursday afternoon & pleaded guilty as part of a proposed deal that calls for a 20-year prison sentence. The plea came as prosecutors were preparing to try the 21-year-old a second time starting Monday after his first trial in June resulted in a mistrial because the jury was unable to reach a unanimous verdict. Silva plead guilty before Porter Superior Court Judge Mike Fish to attempted robbery, voluntary manslaughter & welfare fraud in return for prosecutors agreeing to a 31-year prison sentence with 11 years suspended. The sentence would reportedly require Silva to serve 13 1/2 years behind bars. The proposal, negotiated by defense attorneys John Cantrell & Mark Gruenhagen, was taken under advisement by Judge Fish, who scheduled a hearing for 5/20/22 to decide whether to accept the deal & carry out sentencing. The judge also canceled next week's trial.
4/11/22: Agreement of parties filed. Stipulated factual basis. Plea agreement filed. 4/14/22: Order issued: Amendment to Change of Plea Order. Sentencing date on 5/20/22.
*Roxann KernerPlead guilty (12/3/21) to obstruction of justice & 2 other counts dismissed & sentenced on 1/4/22 to pay $465 fees & received probation.
*Connor Ralland Kerner (17/now 21) – Found guilty. 12/8/20: Sentenced to 179 years in prison. Filed an appeal on 5/13/21. 4/4/22: Appeal denied. Earliest Possible Release Date 05/31/2153.

*Trial set to begin (@ am CT) – TX – Cecilia Huerta Gallegos (30) (missing July 7, 2019, reported missing July 8, 2019 by husband, San Antonio, not found) - *Reyes Huerta Gallegos (36/now 37) arrest & charged (8/24/21) & indicted (11/16/21) & arraigned (11/19/21) with murder (by manner & means unknown to the grand jury). $250K bond lowered (1/14/22) to $200K.
Previous charges: 1/13/20: Assault with bodily injury was dismissed as a material witness was missing. Plead guilty to filing a false police report & was sentenced to 6 months on the false report, but it only shows a credit for time served of 132 days - just over 4 months.
Trial was set to begin on 3/23/22 continued to 5/20/22.

Court info from 8/24/21 thru 1/18/22 reference post #160 here:

3/23/22 Update: Trial has been continued to 5/20/22.

Monday, May 13th:
*Trial set to begin-RESCHEDULED! (for both cases) (@ CT) – TX – Infant (4 mos.) (July 12, 2018, San Antonio) – *Terrence Wayne Harper (30/now 33) arrested & charged (7/16/18), indicted (12/18/18) & arraigned (12/21/18) with causing serious injuries to a child (son). Plead not guilty. $150K bond, released.
Infant (5 mos.) (Mar. 12, 2012, San Antonio) – Rearrested & charged (12/19/18), indicted (12/17/18) & arraigned (12/21/18) with capital murder of a child under 10. Plead not guilty. $500K bond.
Trial was set to begin on 5/13/22 continued on 7/1/22.
Court info from 1/23/19 thru 1/21/22 reference post #89 here:

5/13/22 Friday, Trial was rescheduled to 7/1/22.
Last edited:

Monday, May 16th:
*Trial was set to begin-Plead guilty instead (Burglary charge only) (@ 8:30am ET) – OH – Sereniti Jazzlynn-Sky Blankenship-Sutley (13 mos.) (Oct. 17, 2017, Conneaut) – *Joshua Dale Gurto (37/now 42) (mom’s BF) charged (10/12/17), arrested (10/25/17 in PA & extradited (11/7/17) back to OH) & arraigned (10/23/18) with 2 counts of aggravated murder, 3 counts of murder, 1st degree rape, 2nd degree felonious assault & 1st degree misdemeanor domestic violence. Plead not guilty. $1M cash bond or surety.
Murder: Trial set to begin on 10/3/22.
Court info from 10/25/18 thru 4/14/22 reference post #203 here:

5/13/22 Update: Motion for trial continuance-granted. Next Status conference hearing on 7/22/22 @ 11:30am, Final pretrial hearing on 9/23/22 & trial will now begin on 10/3/22.
*Kelsie Marie Blankenship (23/now 25) – “mom” – 3/5/21: Plead guilty to 1st degree involuntary manslaughter & 3rd degree child endangerment. Sentenced to 6 years in prison.
(12/16/20), indicted (12/18/20) & arraigned (12/22/20) with 2 counts of 1st degree felony aggravated burglary, 1 count of 1st degree felony rape & 1 count of 2nd degree felonious assault. Plead not guilty. Bond $50K cash or surety.
Accused of illegally entering an occupied structure & raping & causing serious harm to a victim in Conneaut on Dec. 18, 2004.
Trial was set to begin on 5/16/22, plead guilty instead & sentenced.

Court info from 12/17/20 thru 4/22/22 reference post #203 here:

5/16/22 Monday, Trial Day 1: 5/16/22 Update: Waiver of trial by jury filed. Written plea of guilty filed. Plea of guilty & plea agreement to Count 1: aggravated burglary, Count 2: aggravated burglary, Count 3: rape & to Count 4: felonious assault. Judge Patricia Cosgrover sentenced Gurto to 10 years in prison for aggravated burglary, 10 years in prison for rape, and eight years in prison for felonious assault, the maximum sentence on each county, to be served consecutively (28 years total in prison). Gurto was given credit for 515 days in jail in this case.

Wednesday, May 18th:
*Change of Plea Hearing (State) (@ 8:45am CT) - MN – George Perry Floyd, Jr. (46) (May 25, 2020, Minneapolis, arrested for forgery & killed in police custody) – only for *Thomas Kiernan Lane (37/now 39) was fired (5/26/20), arrested (6/3/20) & charged (6/4/20) with aiding & abetting 2nd degree murder-unintentional-while committing a felony & aiding & abetting 2nd degree manslaughter-culpable negligence creating unreasonable risk. Bond set at $1M for all or bond conditions @ $750K. Lane released (6/10/20) on $750K bond with conditions.
*Tou Thao (34/now 36) & *J. Alexander Kueng (26/now 28) were fired (5/26/20), arrested (6/3/20) & charged (6/4/20) with aiding & abetting 2nd degree murder-unintentional-while committing a felony & aiding & abetting 2nd degree manslaughter-culpable negligence creating unreasonable risk. Bond set at $1M for all or bond conditions @ $750K. Lane released (6/10/20) on $750K bond with conditions. Kueng released (6/19/20) on $750K bond with conditions. Thao released (7/4/20) on $750K bond with conditions.
*Thomas Kiernan Lane (37/now 39) plead guilty to a state charge of aiding & abetting 2nd degree manslaughter. As part of Wednesday’s plea deal, Thomas Lane will have a count of aiding & abetting 2nd degree unintentional murder dismissed. Per plea will only serve 3 years in Federal prison currently with his federal sentence of violating Floyd’s civil rights. Sentence hearing on 9/21/22.
Trial set to begin on 6/13/22 with motions hearing & with jury selection starting on 6/14/22. Opening statements begin 7/5/22. @9am The jury won't be sequestered except for deliberations, but with security restrictions.

Bond conditions & court info from 6/3/20 to 5/13/22 reference post #311 here:

5/18/22 Update: Petition to enter guilty plea (#542). Order-presentence investigaiton (#543). Probation referral notification (#544). Lane plead guilty to a state charge of aiding & abetting 2nd degree manslaughter. As part of Wednesday’s plea deal, Thomas Lane will have a count of aiding a& abetting 2nd degree unintentional murder dismissed. In exchange for the plea, Lane agreed to a sentence of three years. The sentence will be served in a federal prison concurrently with his federal sentence for violating Floyd's civil rights. He has yet to be sentenced for either conviction. Sentencing hearing on 9/21/22.

Thursday, May 19th:
*Sentencing Hearing (@ 8:30am ET) – MI - India Elise Mackey (20) (shot on Nov. 19, 2019, Saginaw) - for *Kevin Antonio Dixon (18/now 20) BF arrested & charged (11/19/19) & arraigned (11/21/19) with 1st degree premeditated murder, 2nd degree felony murder & carrying a concealed weapon & a felony firearm violation. Held without bond.
Case & court info from 11/21/19 thru 2/28/22 reference post #79 here:

4/12/22 Update: Kevin: Defendant's oral motion to withdraw plea-denied. Plead Nolo Contendere on 2/28/22. PSI needed. Criminal sentenced has been rescheduled to 5/19/22 @ 8:30am. Request & Notice for electronic media coverage. 4/13/22: Motion to withdraw as attorney Barkovic. 5/2/22: Motion to withdraw as attorney-denied.
5/19/22 Update: Defendant's oral motion for reconsideration of defendant's motion to withdraw plea-denied (again). Sentenced to Count 2: (2nd degree felony murder): 18 to 35 years MDOC, 182 days credit, Count #3 (weapons felony firearms): 2 years MDOC, 730 days credit, Count 2: Consecutively & preceding to Count 3. Count 1 (1st degree premeditated murder) dismissed. Restitution of $7,989 to Sabrina Maki, comply w/DNA testing if not already completed. Additional court costs #600. Notification to prepare JOS for prison Judicial secretary.
*Nikita Lanise Dixon (42/now 44) (Kevin’s mom) – 2/28/22: Plead Nolo Contendere. All parties appeared in person, defendant plead NC to added Count 3-firearm, improper possession; Dismiss Counts 1 & 2, plea accepted & immediate sentencing of no jail time & to pay fines.

Friday, May 20th:
*Trial continues (Day 10)-VERDICT REACHED! (Day 2) (@ 9am ET) - GA - Tara Faye Grinstead (29) (Oct. 22, 2005, Ocilla, still missing) – *Ryan Alexander Duke (21 @ time of crime/33/now 38) charged (2/23/17), arrested (2/23/17), indicted (4/2017) & arraigned (5/4/17) with 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault, burglary & concealing death of another. Plead not guilty. Held without bail.
Trial began on 5/2/22 with jury selection. Trial began on 5/9/22. 12 jurors & 6 alternates. 5/18/22: 1 juror dismissed for sleeping. 12 jurors & 5 alternates. State rested their case on 5/16/22. Defense started their case on 5/16/22 & ended on 5/18/22. Jury deliberations 5/19/22: ~4 ½ hours. 5/20/22: ~2 hours. Total deliberations time: 6 ½ hours.
Court hearings from 10/13/17 thru 4/28/22 & Jury selection Day 1-3 (5/3 to 5/5/22) & Trial Day 1-9 (5/9 to 5/19/22) & Jury Deliberations Day 1 (5/19/22) reference post #591 here:

5/20/22 Friday, Trial Day 10/Jury Deliberations (Day 2): Jury deliberations continue.
The jury said it’s close after 2 questions about “venue” as it related to the last count (6-concealing a death) of the indictment. Another jury question: They want to review State's Exhibit 293 which is the Wilcox County Conviction of Bo Dukes for lying about his role in the Grinstead case. Jury has a verdict. Deliberations from 9am to ~11am.
for more info see post #595 here:
The jury has found Duke NOT GUILTY of the murder of Tara. Not guilty on 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault & burglary. Guilty only on Count 6-Concealing a Death; Count 6 - Carries up to 10 years. Duke has already served ~5 years or so & is legally entitled to credit for that time served. Defense asks for Ryan to be given a bond since he was acquitted of the most serious charges & the one charge is a bondable offense. Judge denies that completely, Ryan will remain in custody until sentencing on Monday, 5/23/22.
for more info see post #595 here:
Trial continues on Monday, 5/23/22 for sentencing.

*Bo Dukes: Found guilty (3/21/19) of hindering prosecution, concealing death of another & 2 counts making false statement & sentenced to 25 years. 10/22/20 Update:
A hearing was set for 11/24/20, in Wilcox County for Dukes. The judge will consider Dukes' request for a new trial.

Friday, May 20th:
*Sentencing Hearing (@ 2:30pm CT) – IN - Thomas Martin Grill, Jr. (18) & Molley R. Lanham (19) (Feb. 25, 2019, St. John; found in Hebron, in burned out car) – *John Salvadore Silva II (17/now 18) arrested & charged (5/22/20) with 2 felony counts of murder in the perpetration of a robbery. Plead not guilty. No bond.
Trial began on 6/1/21 & ended on 6/24/21 with a mistrial. Jury (9 women & 4 men) deliberated on 6/23/21 (~5 hours) & on 6/24/21 (~7 hours). Total deliberations about 12 hours. Could not come to a unanimous decision.
Trial was set to begin on 4/11/22 but plead guilty on 4/6/22. Sentencing on 5/20/22.

Court info from 8/10/20 thru 5/25/21 & Jury selection (6/1/21) & Trial Day 1-11 (6/2/21 & 6/24/21) & Jury deliberations Day 1-2 (6/23/21 & 6/24/21) & 7/19/21 to 4/6/22 reference post #277 here:

4/11/22: Agreement of parties filed. Stipulated factual basis. Plea agreement filed. 4/14/22: Order issued: Amendment to Change of Plea Order. Plead guilty (4/6/22) & sentencing date on 5/20/22. 5/16/22: Pre-sentence investigation report filed-Silva II PSI by Adult Probation, Porter County. 5/17/22: Pre-sentence investigation report filed-Silva II PSI addendum by Adult Probation Porter County.
5/19/22 Update: Motion for continuance filed by Silva. Response filed by State. Defendant's motion for continuance-denied. Sentencing still on 5/20/22 @ 2:30pm.
5/20/22 Update: Porter Superior Judge Michael Fish accepted the plea deal. Silva was sentenced to 20 years in prison. The agreement called for Silva to plead guilty to voluntary manslaughter, attempted robbery & welfare fraud. The deal called for 20 years in prison with 10 years on probation. With 75% required by law for his jail sentence & roughly two years time served, that would mean about 13.5 years behind bars. He is also ordered to repay $2,300 fraudulently taken from Indiana unemployment while he has been in prison.
*Roxann KernerPlead guilty (12/3/21) to obstruction of justice & 2 other counts dismissed & sentenced on 1/4/22 to pay $465 fees & received probation.
*Connor Ralland Kerner (17/now 21) – Found guilty. 12/8/20: Sentenced to 179 years in prison. Filed an appeal on 5/13/21. 4/4/22: Appeal denied. Earliest Possible Release Date 05/31/2153.

Friday, May 20th:
*Trial was set to begin-CONTINUED! (@ am CT) – TX – Cecilia Huerta Gallegos (30) (missing July 7, 2019, reported missing July 8, 2019 by husband, San Antonio, not found) - *Reyes Huerta Gallegos (36/now 37) arrest & charged (8/24/21) & indicted (11/16/21) & arraigned (11/19/21) with murder (by manner & means unknown to the grand jury). $250K bond lowered (1/14/22) to $200K.
Previous charges: 1/13/20: Assault with bodily injury was dismissed as a material witness was missing. Plead guilty to filing a false police report & was sentenced to 6 months on the false report, but it only shows a credit for time served of 132 days - just over 4 months.
Trial was set to begin on 3/23/22 continued to 5/20/22 & continued to 8/5/22.

Court info from 8/24/21 thru 1/18/22 reference post #166 here:

5/19/22: Motion Prod witness. Motion for expert witness. Request for Disclosure (404(B)). Motion to reduce bail.
5/20/22 Friday, Trial has been continued to 8/5/22.
For the week of Monday, May 23rd thru Friday, May 27th:

Monday, May 23rd:
*Sentencing Hearing (@ 9am ET) - GA - Tara Faye Grinstead (29) (Oct. 22, 2005, Ocilla, still missing) – *Ryan Alexander Duke (21 @ time of crime/33/now 38) charged (2/23/17), arrested (2/23/17), indicted (4/2017) & arraigned (5/4/17) with 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault, burglary & concealing death of another. Plead not guilty. Held without bail.
Trial began on 5/2/22 with jury selection. Trial began on 5/9/22. 12 jurors & 6 alternates. 5/18/22: 1 juror dismissed for sleeping. 12 jurors & 5 alternates. State rested their case on 5/16/22. Defense started their case on 5/16/22 & ended on 5/18/22. Jury deliberations 5/19/22: ~5 ½ hours. 5/20/22: ~2 hours. Total deliberations time: ~7 ½ hours.
Court hearings from 10/13/17 thru 4/28/22 & Jury selection Day 1-3 (5/3 to 5/5/22) & Trial Day 1-9 (5/9 to 5/19/22) & Jury Deliberations Day 1 (5/19/22) reference post #591 here:

5/20/22 Friday, Trial Day 10/Jury Deliberations (Day 2): Jury deliberations continue.
The jury said it’s close after 2 questions about “venue” as it related to the last count (6-concealing a death) of the indictment. Another jury question: They want to review State's Exhibit 293 which is the Wilcox County Conviction of Bo Dukes for lying about his role in the Grinstead case. Jury has a verdict. Deliberations from 9am to ~11am.
for more info see post #595 here:
The jury has found Duke NOT GUILTY of the murder of Tara. Not guilty on 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault & burglary. Guilty only on Count 6-Concealing a Death; Count 6 - carries up to 10 years. Duke has already served ~5 years or so & is legally entitled to credit for that time served. Defense asks for Ryan to be given a bond since he was acquitted of the most serious charges & the one charge is a bondable offense. Judge denies that completely, Ryan will remain in custody until sentencing on Monday, 5/23/22.
for more info see post #595 here:
Trial continues on Monday, 5/23/22 for sentencing.

*Bo Dukes: Found guilty (3/21/19) of hindering prosecution, concealing death of another & 2 counts making false statement & sentenced to 25 years. 10/22/20 Update:
A hearing was set for 11/24/20, in Wilcox County for Dukes. The judge will consider Dukes' request for a new trial.

*Trial set to begin (@ 9:30am ET) – FL – Kameela Russell (41) (May 15, 2019, last see in driveway of Aunt’s house, found 5/25/19 in Snake Creek canal) - *Ernest Joseph Roberts (39/now 42) arrested (6/14/19), charged (6/13/19), indicted (7/17/19) & arraigned (7/18/19) with 1st degree murder. Plead not guilty. No bond. (5/18/20: bond denied due to COVID). DP Case. DA has waived the DP.
Trial was set to begin on 1/31/22 continued on 5/23/22.
Court info from 10/13/20 thru 5/10/21 reference post #161 here:

1/31/22 Update: (#672 & 673) Motion for continuance of trial-granted. Oral arguments set for 1/31/22. New trial date is 5/23/22. 2/8/22: (#674) Order: Authorization to transcribe depositions. 3/15/22: (#675) Motion to/for: authorization to transcribe depositions (amended). 3/25/22: (#676) Notice of taking deposition. 3/29/22: (#677): Motion to/for due process costs for investigator. 4/4/22: Order: Amended for due process costs. 4/4/22: Order: (#678): Amended for due process costs. 4/20/22: (#679): Motion to/for: authorization to transcribe depositions (2nd amended). 4/25/22: (#680-733): 54 e-subpoenas served.
2/1/22 Update: Next trial set to begin on 5/23/22.

*Trial set to begin (@ 1pm CT) - IN – Javon Blackwell (42), his sons Javon, Jr. (12) & Jayzon (11) (Dec. 30, 2018, Marion) – for *Brittany Diann Drake (29/now 32) arrested & charged (1/28/19) with conspiracy to commit armed robbery in connection with the 1 death. Plead not guilty. $30K Surety bond. Out on bond (1/28/19).
Trial set to begin on 5/23/22.
Court info from 9/16/20 thru 11/29/21 reference post #373 here:

12/6/21 Update: Pretrial conference on 5/12/21 has been rescheduled to 4/21/22 & trial has been rescheduled to 5/23/22.
*Demetrius Jemere Jackson (25/now 28) – Blackwell: Trial set to begin on 6/28/21 & found guilty of 5 of 6 charges. Sentenced on 7/29/21: Count 1 Murder: 60 years concurrent with prior sentence Count 5, Count 2 Murder: 60 years & Count 3 Murder: 60 years concurrent with prior sentence Count 5 & consecutive with prior sentence counts 1 & 3 & counts 1 & 2, respectively. Count 3 robbery resulting in serious bodily injury-vacated. Count 4 armed robbery-taking property by force or threatening use of force while armed-dismissed. Count 5 unlawful possession of a firearm by serious violent felon-dismissed.
*Lemere Joseph Jones (29/now 32) – Blackwell: found guilty sentenced 4/3/20 to 200 years in prison. Earliest possible release date 3/24/2167.

*Trial set to begin (@ 8:30am MT) – ID – Lyryk Altom (20 mos.) (Oct. 8, 2017, Twin Falls-taken to hospital & died Oct. 14, 2017) – for *Joshua Eric Molina (33/now 37) (BF) arrested & charged (March/2017) & arraigned (5/30/18) on 1st degree murder & 3 counts felony injury to a child. Will be retried on 1st degree murder & 2 counts of felony injury to a child. Plead not guilty.
Trial began on 2/25/20 for Molina only & ended on 3/8/20 with guilty verdicts for 1 count of felony injury to a child. Will be retried on the 1st degree murder & 2 counts of felony injury to a child.
Re-Trial was set to begin on 10/13/20 has been continued to 4/19/21 due to COVID & continued to 10/4/21 has been continued due to COVID & continued on 5/23/22.

Court info & Trial (Day 1 to 8) info from 10/9/18 thru 1/14/22 reference post #237 here:

2/1/22 Update: Bond reduction-denied. Next pretrial conference hearing on 5/2/22. 5/1/22: 15 subpoenas served. 5/2/22 Update: Next trial on 5/23/22.
*Amanda Jean Dunlap (23/now 27) “mom” – Next Status conference hearing on 5/3/21. 5/3/21: Hearing was vacated. Will not be tried until after Molina’s retrial.

*Trial continues (Day 4) (@ 8:30am ET) - FL – Daniel Eric Markel (41) (shot to death July 18, 2014, Tallahassee) - *Katherine Magbanua (32/now 37) (Garcia's wife) arrested (Oct. 2016) & charged with 1st degree murder & 1 count conspiracy & 1 count solicitation of murder were brought together into one case on Tuesday (3/20/18). Plead not guilty. Held without bond.
Murder for Hire hit man. They split a $100K payoff for murder. KM has rejected several offers of immunity for her testimony.
First trial started on 9/23/19 & the jury started deliberations on 10/10-10/11/19 with a total of 11 hours of deliberations. They found Garcia guilty. A mistrial declared for Magbanua. (10-2 for guilty). Will remain in jail as a charged co-conspirator & the State will try her case again.
Re-Trial began on 5/16/22 with jury selection. 12 jurors & 2 alternates (7 women & 7 men). Trial began on 5/18/22. (should last 2-3 weeks).

Court info & trial from 9/23/19 thru 5/13/22 & Jury Selection Days 1-2 (5/16-5/17/22) & Trial Day 1-2 (5/18-5/19/22) reference post #408 here:

5/20/22 Friday, Trial Day 3: State witnesses: State witness: Luis “Tato” Rivera.
for more info see post #420 here:
State witnesses: Luis “Tato” Rivera (continued). Subject to recall. Waldo Nunez, works for FHP; he used to work at a rental car company near the Miami airport. TPD Sgt. Chris Corbitt, cell phone data analyst.
for more info see post #423 & 424 here:
State witness: TPD Sgt. Chris Corbitt continued.
for more info see post #445 here:
Trial continues on Monday, 5/23/22.

*Charles Jay Adelson (45) – First appearance & bond hearing on 4/26/22. 4/26/22: Bond denied. Defense attorney asks for an Arthur hearing. No further info or dates yet as 5/15/22.
*Sigfredo Garcia (34) – 10/10/19: found guilty of 1st degree murder. Guilty of conspiracy. Not guilty of solicitation. Sentenced to LWOP for murder plus 30 years for conspiracy charge. 11/4/19: Motion to Withdraw as Counsel: Mauricio Padilla; Motion to Withdraw as Counsel: Saam Zangeneh.
*Luis Rivera (33) charged with 1st degree murder. Took a plea deal (Oct. 2016) & plead guilty to 2nd degree murder. Will testify against Garcia & Magbanua. Will receive 19-year sentence to run concurrently with his 12 year Federal time, which he is already serving.

POIs: Wendi Adelson (ex-wife of Markel), her mom Donna Sue Adelson (68) & father Harvey Adelson. Investigators have not charged any of these people in the Adelson family in connection with Markel’s death, except Charlie; but say Adelson’s mother & brother – Donna & Charlie Adelson – paid $100K to have Markel killed following the couple’s contentious divorce so their two young sons could move to South Florida.

*Trial continues (Day 26)-Closing Arguments (@ 9am PT) – OR - Daniel Craig Brophy (63) (June 2, 2018, Portland) – *Nancy Lee Crampton-Brophy (68/now 71) “wife” arrested (9/5/18), charged (9/6/18) & arraigned (9/17/18) with felony murder & unlawful use of a weapon. Plead not guilty. Held without bond. Bond was denied (4/29/20).
Trial began on 3/14/22 with jury selection & ended 3/18/22. Trial began on 4/4/22 (expected to last to 5/20/22, but will go longer). Prosecutors rested their case on 4/21/22. Defense started their case on 4/27/22 & then on 5/2/22. Defense rested their case on 5/18/22. State rested their rebuttal case on 5/19/22. Defense started their sur-rebuttal case on 5/19/22. Defense rested their sur rebuttal case on 5/20/22.
Court hearings from 9/6/18 thru 2/18/22 & Jury selection Day 1-5 (3/14 to 3/18/22) & Trial Day 1-24 (4/4 to 5/19/22) & 5/13/22 reference post #373 here:

5/20/22 Friday, Trial Day 25: Morning session: Judge sustained defense’s sur rebuttal witness Rosalind Lee (attorney in Federal Court); testimony is speculative. Also sustained defense’s exhibits #402 & 403 (plea agreement for Jacobs) & State’s exhibit #116-unfair prejudice. Proper hearing on defense’s sur rebuttal witness Aliciq Hersher, attorney for Catherine Wells (jail inmate) (to rebut what Jacobs testified to). Judge will not allow her as witness. Will have 104 hearing for Ms. Slavik before she testifies.
Defense sur-rebuttal witnesses: Donna Maddux, partner in a law firm. Formally in US attorney general Fraud division. Prosecuted Anndrea Jacobs. Michael Howard, forensic scientist, was retained by defense for consulting in case.
Proper hearing for David Jeffers, attorney, public defender at Marion County. Judge will not allow his testimony.
Defense sur-rebuttal witnesses (afternoon session): Dr. Curtis Hayne, dentist who hired Anndrea Jacobs.
A 104 hearing for: Rhonda Slavik, consultant for real estate developer. Met Anndrea Jacobs thru her brother.
Proper hearing for John Tsang, regarding Anndrea Jacobs federal sentence.
for more info see post #375 here
Also article in post #374.
Defense rested their sur rebuttal case.
Trial continues on Monday, 5/23/22 with closing arguments.

Tuesday, May 24th:
*Sentencing Hearing (@ 1:30pm ET) – OH - Geauga’s Child (newborn) (found Mar. 25, 1993 at side of Sidley Road, Thompson Township) - *Gail M. Eastwood-Ritchey (23 @ time of crime/49/now 51) arrested (6/6/19), charged (6/7/19) & arraigned (6/10/19) with aggravated murder & special felony murder. Plead not guilty. $250K bond. Bonded out 6/10/19; GPS monitor & surrendered passport.
Trial began on 3/28/22 with jury selection. Trial began on 3/31/22 & ended on 4/2/22. Closing arguments on 4/4/22. 4/4/22: Jury deliberated for 5 hours & found Ritchey guilty of murder & not guilty of aggravated murder.
Court info from 1/10/20 thru 3/23/22 & Jury selection Days 1-3 (3/28 to 3/30/22) & Trial Days 1-3 (3/31 to 4/2/22) reference post #80 here:

4/4/22 Monday, Trial Day 4: Closing arguments by prosecutors & defense. Jury deliberations started about noon. After deliberating for 5 hours Monday, the jury found her guilty of murder & not guilty of aggravated murder. The jury's verdict in this case, by saying it was only a purposeful killing & rejecting the aggravated murder, the jury said that she did not have the plan ahead of time to kill the child. The judge revoked her bond & she was arrested at the conclusion of the trial. PSI ordered & remanded to GCSC pending sentencing. A sentencing date has not been set yet. 4/7/22: Jury list filed. Commitment pending sentencing returned & filed.
4/15/22 Update: Sentencing hearing on 5/24/22.

*Trial set to begin
(@ 9:30am ET) - VA – Bellamy Malaki Gamboa (39) (last seen July 1, 2018, Virginia Beach; reported missing July 2, 2018, car found 7/4/18; she has not been found) – *Lamont Johnson (41/now 44) (ex-bf) arrested & charged (7/29/18) & arraigned (7/30/18) with 2nd degree murder & 4 counts of contribute to delinquent/abuse of child. No plea entered. No bond.
Trial was set begin on 1/24/22 continued to 5/24/22.
Court info from 10/17/18 thru 2/16/21 reference post #147 here:

7/19/21 Update: Johnson appeared in court Monday for a motion hearing. His lawyers are claiming there was a coercive environment from law enforcement that led to the confession. But now, his defense attorneys are trying to throw that confession out ahead of the murder trial. Court documents for the motion to suppress say police gave Johnson 15 breaks to smoke, eat, drink, and go to the bathroom throughout the interrogation process. At Monday’s suppression hearing, detective, Lanis Geluso, testified on the stand. Geluso also went into specific details about what exactly Johnson told her that day he admitted to killing her. The hearing will continue on 8/4/21 on whether the confession will stay as evidence or not. A new trial date has not yet been set.
8/4/21 Update: Motion to suppress confession-denied. Trial set to begin on 1/24/22. 1/17/22 Update: Trial continued to 5/24/22.

Thursday, May 26th:
*Sentencing Hearing (Federal) (@ am CT) – TX – James (Jamie) William Faith, Jr. (49) (Oct. 9, 2020, fatally shot while walking dog, Dallas) - *Jennifer Lynne Faith (48/now 49) (wife) arrested & charged (2/24/21), indicted (3/25/21) & arraigned (4/6/21) & re-arraigned (2/4/22) with federal charges of destruction & concealment of a tangible object with the intent to obstruct a Federal investigation, use of interstate commerce facilities in the commission of murder-for-hire (charged on 9/28/21), obstruction of an official proceeding & obstruction of justice. Plead not guilty. Held without bond.
Trial was set to begin on 11/15/21 continued to 2/28/22 with jury selection was cancelled due to plea agreement to plead guilty on 2/24/22. In return for her plea, prosecutors agreed to drop the obstruction charge & to recommend a sentence of life imprisonment.
Court info from 2/26/21 thru 10/27/21 reference post #425 here:

1/28/22 Update: Next week, Jennifer Faith plans to voluntarily waive her rights as a defendant & plead guilty to the murder-for-hire charge, the plea agreement said. She will also have to give information & testimony about her involvement in her husband's death. After talking to her lawyers, Faith has concluded that it is in her best interest to enter into this plea agreement & all its terms, rather than to proceed to trial in this case. Faith will also waive her right to an appeal from her conviction & sentencing, as long as it does not exceed the statutory maximum punishment. The government will not bring any additional charges against Faith related to her plea of guilty, per the agreement. The plea agreement is conditioned upon approval from the Attorney General of the United States. If Faith violates any part of the agreement, the government will be free to prosecute Faith for all offenses. Faith has been charged in US District Court under Federal statutes & this agreement does not extend to any charges that may be brought against the defendant at the State level. Re-arraignment set for 2/4/22 at 11am before Judge Jane J. Boyle.
2/4/22 Update: Faith plead guilty to the murder-for-hire charge before U.S. District Judge Jane J. Boyle on Monday morning. In return for her plea, prosecutors agreed to drop the obstruction charge & to recommend a sentence of life imprisonment. Sentencing will ultimately be at the discretion of the judge. According to plea papers, Ms. Faith admitted that her boyfriend, Darrin Ruben Lopez gunned down her husband, American Airlines technology director Jamie Faith, on Oct. 9, 2020 in front of his home in Oak Cliff. (Mr. Lopez has been charged by the state with murder & by the feds with a gun crime. He has pleaded not guilty to both charges. She also admitted that before the murder, she used two phony email accounts to correspond with Mr. Lopez, assuming the identities of her own husband & one of her friends in order to falsely convince Mr. Lopez that her husband was physically & sexually abusing her. (In plea papers, Ms. Faith stipulated that no such abuse ever occurred.) Ms. Faith admitted that she downloaded stock images depicting injuries from the internet & attached them to some of the emails to convince Mr. Lopez that the abuse was actually occurring. She is slated to be sentenced on 5/26/22.
*Darrin Ruben Lopez (48/now 49) (BF) arrested & charged (1/11/21) & indicted (2/5/21) with murder. $1M bond. Plead not guilty. Dallas County. Extradited from TN to TX January, 2021. Announcement hearing on 6/3/22.
Federal charge (1/22/21) with Federal firearm crime-transporting a firearm in interstate commerce with intent to commit a felony offense. Will be tried after State’s case.

Friday, May 27th:

*Trial continues-(Day 21) (@ 9am PT)- CA – *Ramesh “Sunny” Balwani (53/now 56) (CFO & President of Theranos) indicted & charged (6/14/18) & arraigned (6/15/18) with 9 counts of wire fraud & 2 counts of conspiracy to commit wire fraud. Another count of wire fraud was added in 2020, bringing the total number of felony charges to 12. Plead not guilty. No bond. Faces a maximum sentence of 20 years in prison & a fine of $2.75 million, plus restitution, & $250K for each individual count of wire fraud & conspiracy. Plead not guilty.
Defrauding investors out of $700 million in funding for their blood-testing startup Theranos.
Trial began on 3/22/22. Jury: 12 jurors (6 women & 6 men) & 6 alternates (2 women & 4 men). 3/21/22: Jury #1 sick, alternate moves to jury. 12 jurors (6 women & 6 men) & 5 alternates (2 women & 3 men). Trial Court will be in session on Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Fridays (from 9-3), but the jury may be asked to come in on some Mondays & Thursdays as well. Trial dates so far: 5/27, 6/7, 6/8, 6/10, 6/14, 6/15, 6/17, 6/21, 6/22, 6/24, 6/28, 6/29/22.

Indictment & court info from 4/11/20 thru 3/8/22 & Jury selection (Day 1-4) 3/9/22 to 3/15/22 & 3/16 to 3/21/22 & Trial Days 1-2 (3/22 to 3/23/22) & hearing on 3/29/22 & 4/12/22 & Trial Days 3-14 (3/30 to 4/29/22) & 5/3/22 & Trial Days 15-18 (5/4 & 5/13/22) & 5/17 & 5/19/22 (no jurors) reference post #182 here:

5/20/22 Friday, Trial Day 20: Government witnesses: No info available.
Trial continues on Friday, 5/27/22.

*Elizabeth A. Holmes (34/now 37) (CEO of Theranos) – Trial began on 9/8/21 & ended 1/3/22 with a verdict of guilty on 4 counts of 11. Next sentencing hearing on 9/26/22.

Monday, May 23rd:
*Sentencing Hearing (@ 9am ET) - GA - Tara Faye Grinstead (29) (Oct. 22, 2005, Ocilla, still missing) – *Ryan Alexander Duke (21 @ time of crime/33/now 38) charged (2/23/17), arrested (2/23/17), indicted (4/2017) & arraigned (5/4/17) with 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault, burglary & concealing death of another. Plead not guilty. Held without bail.
Trial began on 5/2/22 with jury selection. Trial began on 5/9/22. 12 jurors & 6 alternates. 5/18/22: 1 juror dismissed for sleeping. 12 jurors & 5 alternates. State rested their case on 5/16/22. Defense started their case on 5/16/22 & ended on 5/18/22. Jury deliberations 5/19/22: ~5 ½ hours. 5/20/22: ~2 hours. Total deliberations time: ~7 ½ hours.
Court hearings from 10/13/17 thru 4/28/22 & Jury selection Day 1-3 (5/3 to 5/5/22) & Trial Day 1-10 (5/9 to 5/20/22) & Jury Deliberations Day 1-2 (5/19 to 5/20/22) reference post #633 here:

The jury has found Duke not guilty on 2 counts of felony murder & 1 count of malice murder, aggravated assault & burglary. Guilty only on Count 6-Concealing a Death; which carries up to 10 years. Duke has already served ~5 years or so & is legally entitled to credit for that time served. Defense asks for Ryan to be given a bond since he was acquitted of the most serious charges & the one charge is a bondable offense. Judge denies that completely, Ryan will remain in custody until sentencing on Monday, 5/23/22.
5/23/22 Update: Duke sentenced for his conviction of "Concealing The Death" of Grinstead, Duke was sentenced to 10 years in prison, the maximum penalty under the law; Duke is immediately eligible for parole.
for more info see post #637 here:

*Bo Dukes: Found guilty (3/21/19) of hindering prosecution, concealing death of another & 2 counts making false statement & sentenced to 25 years. 10/22/20 Update:
A hearing was set for 11/24/20, in Wilcox County for Dukes. The judge will consider Dukes' request for a new trial.

Monday, May 23rd:
*Trial set to begin-CONTINUED! (@ 9:30am ET) – FL – Kameela Russell (41) (May 15, 2019, last see in driveway of Aunt’s house, found 5/25/19 in Snake Creek canal) - *Ernest Joseph Roberts (39/now 42) arrested (6/14/19), charged (6/13/19), indicted (7/17/19) & arraigned (7/18/19) with 1st degree murder. Plead not guilty. No bond. (5/18/20: bond denied due to COVID). DP Case. DA has waived the DP.
Trial was set to begin on 5/23/22 continued on 8/15/22.
Court info from 10/13/20 thru 2/1/22 reference post #167 here:

5/23/22 Update: Motion for trial continuance-granted. Trial was reset on 8/15/22.

Monday, May 23rd:
*Trial set to begin-CONTINUED! (@ 1pm CT) - IN – Javon Blackwell (42), his sons Javon, Jr. (12) & Jayzon (11) (Dec. 30, 2018, Marion) – for *Brittany Diann Drake (29/now 32) arrested & charged (1/28/19) with conspiracy to commit armed robbery in connection with the 1 death. Plead not guilty. $30K Surety bond. Out on bond (1/28/19).
Trial was set to begin on 5/23/22 continued on 9/12/22.
Court info from 9/16/20 thru 12/6/21 reference post #398 here:

5/23/22 Update: Hearing activity. Pretrial conference originally scheduled on 4/21/22 was rescheduled to 8/11/22. Trial was cancelled on 5/23/22 & reset on 9/12/22.
*Demetrius Jemere Jackson (25/now 28) – Blackwell: Trial set to begin on 6/28/21 & found guilty of 5 of 6 charges. Sentenced on 7/29/21: Count 1 Murder: 60 years concurrent with prior sentence Count 5, Count 2 Murder: 60 years & Count 3 Murder: 60 years concurrent with prior sentence Count 5 & consecutive with prior sentence counts 1 & 3 & counts 1 & 2, respectively. Count 3 robbery resulting in serious bodily injury-vacated. Count 4 armed robbery-taking property by force or threatening use of force while armed-dismissed. Count 5 unlawful possession of a firearm by serious violent felon-dismissed.
*Lemere Joseph Jones (29/now 32) – Blackwell: found guilty sentenced 4/3/20 to 200 years in prison. Earliest possible release date 3/24/2167.

Tuesday, May 24th:
*Sentencing Hearing (@ 1:30pm ET) – OH - Geauga’s Child (newborn) (found Mar. 25, 1993 at side of Sidley Road, Thompson Township) - *Gail M. Eastwood-Ritchey (23 @ time of crime/49/now 51) arrested (6/6/19), charged (6/7/19) & arraigned (6/10/19) with aggravated murder & special felony murder. Plead not guilty. $250K bond. Bonded out 6/10/19; GPS monitor & surrendered passport.
Trial began on 3/28/22 with jury selection. Trial began on 3/31/22 & ended on 4/2/22. Closing arguments on 4/4/22. 4/4/22: Jury deliberated for 5 hours & found Ritchey guilty of murder & not guilty of aggravated murder.
Court info from 1/10/20 thru 3/23/22 & Jury selection Days 1-3 (3/28 to 3/30/22) & Trial Days 1-3 (3/31 to 4/2/22) reference post #80 here:

4/4/22 Monday, Trial Day 4: Closing arguments by prosecutors & defense. Jury deliberations started about noon. After deliberating for 5 hours Monday, the jury found her guilty of murder & not guilty of aggravated murder. The jury's verdict in this case, by saying it was only a purposeful killing & rejecting the aggravated murder, the jury said that she did not have the plan ahead of time to kill the child. The judge revoked her bond & she was arrested at the conclusion of the trial. PSI ordered & remanded to GCSC pending sentencing. A sentencing date has not been set yet. 4/7/22: Jury list filed. Commitment pending sentencing returned & filed. 4/15/22 Update: Sentencing hearing on 5/24/22.
5/24/22 Update: Eastwood-Ritchey was sentenced to life in prison with eligibility of parole after 15 years.

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