Found Deceased CO - Suzanne Morphew, 49, did not return from bike ride, Chaffee County, 10 May 2020 #33

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Apr 22, 2010
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A Chaffee County woman is missing after a neighbor said she went out for a bike ride Sunday and never returned
Chaffee County woman missing since Sunday after neighbor said she went out for bike ride

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Tricia and I have discussed some information that has been received and Tricia has made a thread specific exception to allow Hoosierfan72 to post some very intriguing information. We are very confident the information being shared is true.

It is up to the members as to whether they find the information believable.

Hopefully Hoosierfan72 will be back on board shortly to share with the members.

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I am interested in BM’s father and if he is still alive? I’m asking @Ontario Mom and @sillybilly whether this can even be discussed? Also wondering if @Hoosierfan72 is able to share any info DW may have. TIA

also I hope I got the hoosier member’s name correctly and if not please lmk. Again TIA!

Sleuthing of BM or his family is not allowed, only discussing what is contained in MSM, LE or other WS approved sources.

Not sure Hoosierfan has any more to share but you can ask them. If it's off limits, you know we'll hear about it ;)
So AM said tonight, essentially, that he doesn't want BM to be part of the search. I get it, but JMO, but I wish he wouldn't give BM a free pass to stay away - I'd like to see some pressure on BM to engage and search for his wife alongside all these people who are sacrificing their time to do so. MOO.

If BM were any kind of a decent human being, he wouldn't wait for an invitation to be part of the search and he wouldn't care what anyone thought when he showed up to the search.

The ball is in his court.
What he does now will be part of the legacy he leaves the M girls.

Andy says that he’s trying to get the EVI (electronic vehicle information) from the CBI and sheriff’s department in relation to Barry’s truck. This would give them the best hope of finding Suzanne, so I hope they’re successful. I’m less than optimistic though, but stranger things have happened.
Yes, I was surprised to hear that. Obviously, it could give them a better chance of finding Suzanne, so I understand why he is making the request.

No way is LE going to give that information out. For one thing, they should have already searched those areas themselves, or are at least working on it.

God love Andy Moorman and his determination to find Suzanne at all costs~ We should all be so lucky to have someone just like him in our lives.
I feel exactly the same way: treating a murder as a Saturday afternoon cliffhanger. This isn't entertainment; those girl's mom's demise isn't a teaser.
this is just IMO but PE has done a very through and accurate job in all of their videos. I believe the way they are discussing the case is an intentional choice directly aimed at BM. A controlling narcissist, who is obsessed with portray the image of a perfect family is going to be really bothered by potential bomb shell. He may trip up as a result of the stress. the FBI commonly uses this tactic in the media with offenders theyve profiled but havent identified . I dont think its meant to be disrespectful to SM or her memory
When you follow these kinds of cases for a while, the personalities, excuses, lies, inconsistant stories, surprise interviews with witnesses... all start blending together.
It's kind of hard to be surprised unless you get like a Dahmer Bombshell.
But they all tend to be pretty disgusting on the inside when they lived such a fake life on the outside.
I will definitely not be surprised to find out the same is true in this case.
Sadly, for Suzanne and her girls, and extended family.
I keep thinking about the arrest affadavits I have read and how in every single one, after all that discussion here, it is SO much worse than one could ever think. Weeping reading each one. This one, I feel, is going to blow them all away, including Jennifer Dulos and Kelsey Berreth :(

On a side note @Ontario Mom , I think we need a new thread soon.
Totally get your point.
But stop with the teasers and the build-up.
This is what's wrong today, IMO
It's not entertainment.
It's news.
MOO from a cranky lady.

The teasers. etc., are to keep the public coming back, to listen to more interviews and updates and ways the public can help...
to keep this case and SM's situation in the public's mind and hearts.
And I'm 100% okay with that.
These guys don't have to do this, they want to.
And that's awesome.
It's not entertainment, it's genuine compassion and caring.
We'd all be lucky to have these guys in our corner if we ever needed them.

this is just IMO but PE has done a very through and accurate job in all of their videos. I believe the way they are discussing the case is an intentional choice directly aimed at BM. A controlling narcissist, who is obsessed with portray the image of a perfect family is going to be really bothered by potential bomb shell. He may trip up as a result of the stress. the FBI commonly uses this tactic in the media with offenders theyve profiled but havent identified . I dont think its meant to be disrespectful to SM or her memory

I would agree if they are working in concert with LE. But it sounds like they are criticizing the investigation.
The teasers. etc., are to keep the public coming back, to listen to more interviews and updates and ways the public can help...
to keep this case and SM's situation in the public's mind and hearts.
And I'm 100% okay with that.
These guys don't have to do this, they want to.
And that's awesome.
It's not entertainment, it's genuine compassion and caring.
We'd all be lucky to have these guys in our corner if we ever needed them.


Agree. I don’t see it as a cinema cliffhanger, I see it as they have important new information to share that they’re still gathering, organizing, and vetting. So much better to have new stuff coming down the pike than for there to be nothing and the case goes cold.

Sounds like Thursday 3:30 mountain time is Zero Hour.
I have to wonder where premeditation begins in the mind of a murderer.
I tend to believe that BM was somewhat satisfied with the status quo, so long as SM stayed in line and played nice.
I also think things changed when they moved to CO, for multiple reasons.
If BM had it in his mind to end SM's life, say, for a while, does that add up to a premeditated murder charge?
Did the advent of her daughters being on vacation escalate his plans, even if they were just on his mind for years?
Did SM discover something that precipitated these plans, the ones that have been on his mind due to financial and other personal relationship reasons?
I tend to lie on the side of premeditation, even if it was just one day of planning.
It could've been an escalation of anger that caused it to happen but if this had been premeditated in one's mind?
I'm no psychologist but I'd have to say yes. In a court of law that's is a whole other issue.
Can't wait to see all the players in this game come to the forefront.

I found out that there is one life-changing moment, and it happens to many.

It is what ensues when spouses/couples spending most time together, get separated for a very trivial reason (one goes for a trip, or a hike, or just visits sick parents, or something else equally mundane). And the other one stays home. And suddenly realizes that he/she is expecting the return of the partner with...horror, boredom, fear, anger, you name it. It is not merely lack of love, it is an active wish that the partner doesn’t come back.

In most, normal, reasonable, people, such insight eventually leads to a divorce. In itself, this sudden awakening (“we are too different”, “I don’t want her/him to return”) is usually a positive, liberating, event. But few start contemplating something more sinister than leaving. Either because they don’t want to pay for the divorce, or because they are limited, mentally.

I think in the Ms’ family, it was Suzanne’s illness and hospitalization that set a very specific pattern of thinking in her husband’s head. Before, they didn’t part for long, and I don’t think the move changed anything, they were still a family. But her illness - Suzanne changed, and she was spending a lot of time in the hospital, and there was the risk of her dying.

But she survived, and returned back, and disappeared.
Agree. I don’t see it as a cinema cliffhanger, I see it as they have important new information to share that they’re still gathering, organizing, and vetting. So much better to have new stuff coming down the pike than for there to be nothing and the case goes cold.

Sounds like Thursday 3:30 mountain time is Zero Hour.
Hopefully followed by an arrest on Friday. I wonder if the release of all this information over the past two weeks is putting pressure on LE & the DA to make an arrest?
Especially if "I saw Suzanne at 5:00 AM sleeping in bed" is blown out of the water as promised ...
The teasers. etc., are to keep the public coming back, to listen to more interviews and updates and ways the public can help...
to keep this case and SM's situation in the public's mind and hearts.
And I'm 100% okay with that.
These guys don't have to do this, they want to.
And that's awesome.
It's not entertainment, it's genuine compassion and caring.
We'd all be lucky to have these guys in our corner if we ever needed them.

I agree, from a decent human being standing point literally the only thing that should matter is finding SM. Other peoples opinions should matter 0%

From a criminal defense standpoint, participating could help increase the publics opinion of him and some show of remorse could be helpful at the eventual sentencing. Not that I believe he should use this moment for his benefit... but it doesnt seem out of his range
Unless some new info. is revealed, it's likely that if Suzanne met her demise on the evening of May 9th --that only one person was responsible.
Curious if both Suzanne and BM were alone at their home all day Fri. and Sat. ?
Did anyone stop by and notice something unusual ?

That being said, I'm wondering if any people connected to BM through work or something else -- will come forward; and that's what LS' most recent news will contain ?
Is someone speaking up ?

Am trying to guess what the updates are !
At the end of the day... all that matters is finding Suzanne .
I believe we're all in agreement on that point.
Suzanne's disappearance has always made me think of the Karen Ristevski case in Australia. She was supposedly missing after taking a walk. She ended up being found years later in a wooded area not too far from home. Husband did pleas for her return and stated his innocence. His story now is she died during an argument.
I guess there are many cases like this.
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